
NewReleases is a simple service to get notifications about new version releases from many programming platforms, GitHub, GitLab, Codeberg, Gitea, Bitbucket, GNU Savannah, Python PyPI, Node.js NPM and Yarn, GitHub NPM, Java Maven, Ruby Gems, PHP Packagist, .NET NuGet, Rust Cargo, Erlang/Elixir Hex, Perl CPAN, Docker Hub, GitHub Container Registry, Google Container Registry, Artifact Hub, SourceForge, Debian GitLab, Freedesktop GitLab, GNOME Gitlab, KDE GitLab and Xfce GitLab.

Managing of all software projects have some common obstacles, how to manage dependencies, package and deploy. And in this process, taking care of large amount of dependencies of the software you’re working on is often complicated. Among other things, taking care of dependencies means keeping them up to date, tracking bug fixes and breaking changes of new versions. This is very time consuming and painful.

NewReleases is a service that can send notifications to your email, Slack, Telegram, Discord, Google Hangouts Chat, Microsoft Teams, Mattermost, Rocket.Chat, Matix and custom webhooks from 13 different platforms. Service is trying to keep a balance between time saving of managing dependencies and annoyances by notifications. For this reason, we are sending digest emails containing all releases happened within period of your specified email frequency, that can be set per project. There is also an option to receive instant email notifications, of course. Filtering based on regular expressions, updated releases and GitHub pre-releases are also available. Importing of more projects at the time is available from GitHub Stars, as well as from dependency files of software projects, format depending on a programing language. GitHub project’s release notes are also included in notifications.

The people behind the project are Janoš Guljaš and Karolina Kalić. We would be glad to hear your ideas, suggestions and critique. You can write to us over Contact page or by connecting with us on Twitter, where we tweet about new features, tips and trick about how to use the service and any other news and updates related to the service.