github dragonflyoss/dragonfly v2.0.3

latest releases: v2.2.0, v2.1.67, v2.1.66...
2 years ago

Dragonfly v2.0.3 is released! 🎉🎉🎉 Thanks to the contributors of dragonfly, welcome to visit website.


  • Dfademon can be used as seed peer. Turning on the Seed Peer mode can be used as a back-to-source download peer in a P2P cluster, which is the root peer for download in the entire cluster.
  • Add dfcache feature, it is the cache client of dragonfly that communicates with dfdaemon and operates on files in P2P network, where the P2P network acts as a cache system.
  • Manager optimized calculations to match scheduler cluster rules.
  • Scheduler improve scheduling stability and collect metrics during scheduling.

You can see CHANGELOG for more details.

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