github Romanitho/Winget-AutoUpdate v2.4.0-0
WAU 2.4.0-0 [Nightly Build]

latest release: v2.4.0-1
pre-release2 days ago

This is an automated nightly build created from the latest changes in the develop branch.

⚠️ Warning: This build may contain unstable features and is intended for testing purposes only.


Files Hash (SHA256) Downloads
WAU.msi (x64) 29CE2CBD5C4E43321E1D4A7181E307D296C8009970B1CA228DE7D10F64459C24 WAU.msi DBFE63C2D13EDE347EBC0D3A167CB09C19F482BB9BED907F48D010AE443DA2C9

Install counter

Full Changelog: v2.3.1...v2.4.0-0

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