This is an automated nightly build created from the latest changes in the develop branch.
⚠️ Warning: This build may contain unstable features and is intended for testing purposes only.
Files | Hash (SHA256) | Downloads |
WAU.msi (x64) | AF41304AB76C2827F623BDC8831330E90EE0CE731838FF29A7368BA37D179CED
| | | 1E08D477E542FC88BF917760C808A0982DED60EDE19C945E95192E7526BCECE5
What's Changed
- Fix for megalinter KICS by @Romanitho in #887
- [README] Put screenshot back by @Romanitho in #888
- Get-Content TRIM for -override/-custom by @KnifMelti in #886
- [README] Cleaning and GPO/Intune dedicated section by @Romanitho in #889
- [MegaLinter] Apply linters automatic fixes by @Romanitho in #891
Full Changelog: v2.3.1...v2.4.0-1