- Fix dataset info cache assignment @fjetter (#11840)
- Expr setattr @fjetter (#11836)
- Follow up to expression tokenization caching @fjetter (#11837)
- Consolidate getattr for expr classes @fjetter (#11835)
- Reduce pickle size of ReadParquet expression @fjetter (#11797)
- arange loses precision on ~2**63 @crusaderky (#11801)
- Remove numbagg from upstream build @phofl (#11821)
- Dispatch to numbagg for nanmedian and nanquantile @phofl (#11817)
- Make missing meta warning more ergonomic @phofl (#11814)
- Remove name doc from from_pandas @phofl (#11812)
- Implement an Array Scalar @phofl (#11810)
- Added
to DataFrame API @TomAugspurger (#11807) - Implement reverse indexing for DataFrames @phofl (#11803)
- Add lazy
registration for cudf @rjzamora (#11799) - Fix missing imports in array-expr @fjetter (#11796)
- Cache tokens on expressions and restore after pickle roundtrip @fjetter (#11791)
- Use random dashboard ports for LocalCluster in distributed tests @fjetter (#11795)
- Implement slicing for array-expr @phofl (#11783)
- Never use an asynchronous Client when calling top level compute function @fjetter (#11790)
- Refactor import tests @fjetter (#11794)
- Migrate base.unpack_collections to Task class @fjetter (#11793)
- Ensure map_blocks generates unique tokens @fjetter (#11792)
- Speed up normalize_pickle by 50 percent @fjetter (#11788)
- Fix divisions calculation with duplicates @phofl (#11787)
- Fix assign align for duplicated divisions @phofl (#11786)
- Ensure concat optimize project does not raise @fjetter (#11784)
- Add array-expr from_array @phofl (#11772)
- Keep chunksizes consistent in
@phofl (#11683) - Test
@flying-sheep (#11782) - Add __all__ to
@flying-sheep (#11781) - add test for
@flying-sheep (#11780) - Bump JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action from 4.7.2 to 4.7.3 @dependabot[bot] (#11777)
- Export dask.array members @flying-sheep (#11779)
- Fix sorted_divisions_locations with duplicates @TomAugspurger (#11773)
- Small typo in best-practices.rst @SCORE1387 (#11775)
- Allow unknown chunks in blockwise adjust_chunks @lgray (#11769)
- Fix crash in
asarray(..., like=...)
vs. scipy.sparse objects @crusaderky (#11755) - Remove flaky optional dependency @TomAugspurger (#11771)
- Add support for scipy sparray @flying-sheep (#11750)
- Added
to tests extra @TomAugspurger (#11770) - Ensure divisions are plain scalars @TomAugspurger (#11767)
- Remove divisions code duplication @fjetter (#11764)
- Ensure divisions not diverging from npartitions in Merge @fjetter (#11762)
- skip test_visualize_int_overflow on windows @fjetter (#11761)
- Reduce pickle size for tasks @fjetter (#11687)
- Implement unify_chunks and Rechunk @phofl (#11692)
- Fix expression getitem to avoid alignment @phofl (#11760)
arange(..., like=x)
embeds the graph of x @crusaderky (#11754)- Simplify assert_divisions @fjetter (#11745)
- Fix Projection logic for Series objects @phofl (#11747)
- Remove bytes as keys @fjetter (#11757)
- Ensure
returns Series object if function returns scalar @fjetter (#11756) - Don't upload env twice @phofl (#11748)
See the Changelog for more information.