packagist kreait/firebase-php 2.0.0-beta3

latest releases: 7.x-dev, dev-dependabot/github_actions/dependabot/fetch-metadata-2.3.0, dev-dependabot/github_actions/codecov/codecov-action-5.3.1...
8 years ago

Changes to 2.0.0-beta2

  • A PermissionDenied exception is thrown when a request violates the
    Firebase Realtime Database rules
  • An IndexNotDefined exception is thrown when a Query is performed on an unindexed subtree
  • Removes the query option to sort results in descending order.
    • Nice in theory, conflicted in practice: when combined with limitToFirst() or limitToLast(),
      results were lost because Firebase sorts in ascending order and limits the results before
      we can process them further.
  • Adds a new Method Reference::getChildKeys() to retrieve the key names of a reference's children

Full list of changes: 2.0.0-beta2...2.0.0-beta3

Starting with version 2.0, this SDK is PHP7 only! The SDK is considered stable, but will stay in beta until the documentation at has been finished.


Create a service account as described in the Firebase Docs and download the service account JSON file, or retrieve a database secret from your Firebase application's project settings page.

$firebase = Firebase::fromServiceAccount(__DIR__.'/google-service-account.json');
// or
$firebase = Firebase::fromDatabaseUriAndSecret(
    '<database secret>'

$db = $firebase->getDatabase();

$fullTree = $db
    ->getValue(); // Shortcut for ->getSnapshot()->getValue()


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