packagist cakephp/cakephp 5.1.5
CakePHP 5.1.5 released

latest releases: dev-error-handler-middleware-cleanup, dev-5.2-driver-logger, dev-deprecate-schema-reflection...
one month ago

The CakePHP core team is happy to announce the immediate availability of CakePHP 5.1.5. This is a maintenance release with a security fix for the 5.1 branch that fixes several community reported issues and regressions. If you are having problems with the framework breaking your application when you upgrade from 5.0.11 to 5.1, please open an issue.


You can expect the following changes in 5.1.5. See the `changelog for every commit.

  • Streamline composer dependencies. lib-ICU is already an implicit dependency through intl.
  • Improve API docs.
  • Minor optimizations, by removing redundant assignments, empty() and isset() checks.
  • The console package no longer has a hard dependency on Router. Instead Router will only be used if it is installed.
  • Correct column ordering being incorrect in reflected foreign key data with postgres.
  • The EavStrategy behavior now uses the entity class of the attached table instead of the Entity base class.
  • QueryException now includes the problematic SQL that was created the error.
  • The utility package no longer has a hard dependency on the i18n package.
  • Fixed falsey value handling in XmlView.
  • Using cached schema metadata no longer creates a database connection.

Contributors to 5.1.5

Thank you to all the contributors that submitted a pull request:

  • ADmad
  • Hermann Vallieri
  • Iacovos Constantinou
  • Kevin Pfeifer
  • Mark Scherer
  • Mark Story
  • othercorey

As always, we would like to also thank all the contributors that opened issues,
or updated the documentation.

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