npm gatsby 1.0.0-alpha10

latest releases: 5.15.0-next.1, 5.11.1-canary-less-lmdb.0, 5.14.1...
8 years ago


  • Did the intitial build of the new! It's in the www
    subdirectory on the 1.0 branch and is built on each push! That's my
    kind of integration testing 😎 You can see the early version of the
    site at
  • Added <link preload> for page JS bundles. This speeds up loading scripts
    slightly by telling the browser to start downloading the scripts when
    the HTML first starts being parsed instead of when the browser reaches
    the end. This is especially helpful for large HTML documents on slow
    mobile networks. PR


  • Use namedmodulesplugin instead of recordsPath for ensuring
    deterministic builds and long-term cachability. The previous PR adding
    support for recordsPath

    proved unpleasant as you had to build locally and commit the outputted
    records.json which was confusing and annoying.
  • Replaced the scripts prop that was passed into the body with a postBodyComponents prop that mirrors the headerComponents prop. This is more flexible as it'll let sites/plugins to do things like pass in analytics snippets, etc. easily.

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