npm @sentry/browser 9.7.0-alpha.0

latest releases: 9.8.0, 9.7.0
2 days ago

This is an alpha release that includes experimental features which are subject to breaking changes.

  • fix(node): Ensure httpIntegration propagates traces #15735
  • feat(browser): Attach top-level domain to "Failed to fetch" errors #15729

Bundle size 📦

Path Size
@sentry/browser 23.26 KB
@sentry/browser - with treeshaking flags 23.07 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing) 36.32 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) 73.5 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay) - with treeshaking flags 66.92 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay with Canvas) 78.13 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Tracing, Replay, Feedback) 90.68 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. Feedback) 40.4 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. sendFeedback) 27.9 KB
@sentry/browser (incl. FeedbackAsync) 32.68 KB
@sentry/react 25.07 KB
@sentry/react (incl. Tracing) 38.21 KB
@sentry/vue 27.51 KB
@sentry/vue (incl. Tracing) 38.01 KB
@sentry/svelte 23.29 KB
CDN Bundle 24.48 KB
CDN Bundle (incl. Tracing) 36.36 KB
CDN Bundle (incl. Tracing, Replay) 71.38 KB
CDN Bundle (incl. Tracing, Replay, Feedback) 76.56 KB
CDN Bundle - uncompressed 71.45 KB
CDN Bundle (incl. Tracing) - uncompressed 107.83 KB
CDN Bundle (incl. Tracing, Replay) - uncompressed 219.09 KB
CDN Bundle (incl. Tracing, Replay, Feedback) - uncompressed 231.66 KB
@sentry/nextjs (client) 39.48 KB
@sentry/sveltekit (client) 36.72 KB
@sentry/node 142.8 KB
@sentry/node - without tracing 96.15 KB
@sentry/aws-serverless 120.54 KB

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