- 任务栏窗口增加Direct2D的渲染方式,解决有时字体边缘有锯齿的问题 #1156
- 显卡监控功能增加对英特尔显卡的支持
- 右击插件项目时的右键菜单中增加插件菜单
- 插件管理界面增加插件图标的显示,右键菜单中增加插件命令
- 监控时间间隔的最大值调整为30s
- 任务栏窗口设置中增加“窗口顶部边距”和“垂直边距”的选项
- 主窗口增加对png格式透明背景图片的支持
- 新增根据Windows深浅色模式自动切换皮肤的功能 #1013
- 新增在任务栏的插件项目中显示资源占用图的功能,并更新对应的插件接口 #1077
- 主窗口和任务栏窗口中新增今日总流量的显示 #1174
- 任务栏窗口设置中新增“使用彩色emoji”的选项(仅Direct2D渲染方式)
- 常规设置中的温度通知上限调整为120度 #1814
- 新增Arm64EC的支持 #1703
- 新增Lite版显示CPU频率的功能
- 任务栏设置-预设方案中的方案2和方案3增加默认的文本颜色
- LibreHardwareMonitorLib.dll更新到0.9.4版本,解决部分设备硬件监控信息无法正常显示的问题
- 修正Windows 11 build 22621版本后触屏设备任务栏窗口位置不正确的问题
- 修正Windows 11下小组件不存在时,任务栏窗口的位置不正确的问题的问题 #1582
- 修正Windows 11下,当任务栏窗口显示在右侧时,会和系统小组件重叠的问题
- 修正选项设置对话框中使用触摸板手势时滚动过快的问题
- 修正主窗口鼠标提示中CPU频率显示不正确的问题
- 修正皮肤文件中插件项目的显示文本无效的问题 #1813
- 修正如果隐藏了通知区图标,弹出通知后通知区图标再次出现的问题 #1814 #1812 #1811
Current version has the following issues:
In Windows 11, if there is no icons on the taskbar, the position of the taskbar windows will be lower:
This issue was caused by a previous solution to an issue where the position of taskbar window would be upper in Windows 11 touchscreen devices.
The temporary solution is to fix at least one icon on the taskbar.
In Windows 11, there is a space on the right side of the taskbar window"
This problem was caused by fixing a problem with Windows 11 where the Widgets would overlap with the taskbar window.
I originally thought that when Windows 11 “Widgets” turned on, it would appear on the right side of the taskbar, so I had TrafficMonitor leave some space for the Widgets to avoid overlapping with it. I didn't realize until now that with “Widgets” turned on, it doesn't always appear on the right side of the taskbar.
A temporary solution is to turn off Windows 11 “Widgets”.