github xifangczy/cat-catch 2.5.9

23 hours ago

[Added] 增加屏蔽网址功能 添加不希望开启扩展的网站 (可设为白名单, 只允许添加网址开启扩展)

[Fixed] 新版下载器 下载大文件时 出错 #610

[Changed] 限制每页面最大储存 9999 条资源

[Changed] 设置增加导航栏

[Changed] 自动下载 允许自定义保存文件名

[i18n] 感谢 @Havokdan @hsmaocn 完善翻译



已知问题 下载器 开启边下边存下载完自动关闭页面会失效


[Added] Added a website blocking feature to exclude specific websites from enabling the extension (can be set as a whitelist, allowing only specified websites to enable the extension).

[Fixed] Fixed an issue with the new downloader where downloading large files caused errors (#610).

[Changed] Limited the maximum storage of resources per page to 9999 entries.

[Changed] Added a navigation bar to the settings.

[Changed] Enabled custom file names for automatic downloads.

[i18n] Thanks @Havokdan and @hsmaocn for improving the translation.

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