github xAranaktu/FIFA-23-Live-Editor v23.1.3.4
FIFA 23 Live Editor v23.1.3.4

latest releases: v23.1.3.6, v23.1.3.5
17 months ago

FIFA 23 Live Editor v23.1.3.4

If you are new user, check:

    - Added:
        - AcceleRATE column to player list
        - AcceleRATE to player profile (No, you can't edit it)
        - AcceleRATE player advanced filter
        - Overall Rating player advanced filter
        - "Generate Youth Academy Report" to "Misc Features" -> "Career Mode" -> "Youth Academy"
    - Fixed "Goals For" and "Goals Against" in Standings Away tab.
    - Removed "Disable Chants" option from the settings

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