github twilio/twilio-video.js 1.0.0-beta1

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pre-release7 years ago

1.0.0-beta1 (October 3, 2016)

In this release, the SDK has been renamed twilio-video.js and replaces the
earlier twilio-conversations.js. twilio-video.js offers the following
improvements over twilio-conversations.js:

  • Conversations have been replaced with Rooms, which provide a simpler call
  • OutgoingInvites and IncomingInvites are no longer required to join a video
    session, and they have been removed from the API.
  • A new subclass of Participant, LocalParticipant, has been added.

All other classes including Client, Participant, Media, and Tracks remain
relatively unchanged. If you are loading twilio-video.js in the browser using
a <script> tag, the exported global has been renamed to Twilio.Video.

New Features

  • Use connect to connect to a Room. This method replaces the
    inviteToConversation method from twilio-conversations.js.
  • You can connect to a Room as its sole Participant.
  • You can specify the name of the Room you want to connect to by setting the
    to parameter.

Refer to the API docs for the full set of features.

Bug Fixes

  • A number of stability improvements have been made in the transition away from
    invites towards a Room-based model.

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