github sqlalchemy/sqlalchemy rel_2_0_9

latest releases: rel_2_0_37, rel_2_0_36, rel_2_0_35...
22 months ago


Released: April 5, 2023


  • [orm] [bug] Fixed endless loop which could occur when using "relationship to aliased
    class" feature and also indicating a recursive eager loader such as
    lazy="selectinload" in the loader, in combination with another eager
    loader on the opposite side. The check for cycles has been fixed to include
    aliased class relationships.

    This change is also backported to: 1.4.48

    References: #9590


  • [mariadb] [bug] Added row_number as reserved word in MariaDb.

    References: #9588


  • [mssql] [bug] Due to a critical bug identified in SQL Server, the SQLAlchemy
    "insertmanyvalues" feature which allows fast INSERT of many rows while also
    supporting RETURNING unfortunately needs to be disabled for SQL Server. SQL
    Server is apparently unable to guarantee that the order of rows inserted
    matches the order in which they are sent back by OUTPUT inserted when
    table-valued rows are used with INSERT in conjunction with OUTPUT inserted.
    We are trying to see if Microsoft is able to confirm this undocumented
    behavior however there is no known workaround, other than it's not safe to
    use table-valued expressions with OUTPUT inserted for now.

    References: #9603

  • [mssql] [bug] Changed the bulk INSERT strategy used for SQL Server "executemany" with
    pyodbc when fast_executemany is set to True by using
    fast_executemany / cursor.executemany() for bulk INSERT that does
    not include RETURNING, restoring the same behavior as was used in
    SQLAlchemy 1.4 when this parameter is set.

    New performance details from end users have shown that fast_executemany
    is still much faster for very large datasets as it uses ODBC commands that
    can receive all rows in a single round trip, allowing for much larger
    datasizes than the batches that can be sent by "insertmanyvalues"
    as was implemented for SQL Server.

    While this change was made such that "insertmanyvalues" continued to be
    used for INSERT that includes RETURNING, as well as if fast_executemany
    were not set, due to #9603, the "insertmanyvalues" strategy has
    been disabled for SQL Server across the board in any case.

    References: #9586

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