github splunk/kafka-connect-splunk v1.1.1
Splunk Connect for Kafka - Version 1.1.1 - GA

latest releases: v2.2.2, v2.2.1, v2.2.0...
5 years ago

GA release of Splunk Connect for Kafka Version 1.1.1

  • HEC Backoff Threshold is now configureable, previously pinned to 60 seconds for HEC servers to become available after failure.
  • Improved Logging!! Event batches now have a UUID and retry counts for batches now display as a warning.
  • Added kafka_connect_host metadata. When using the Kafka Connect Server hostname will be indexed by Splunk.
  • Fixed issue when using Kafka Header functionality setting splunk.header.custom where comma separated list couldn't contain a space preceding a comma.
  • Update to 3rd party packages bundled with project.

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