github realthunder/FreeCAD 20240322stable

latest releases: 20241003stable, 20240407stable
9 months ago

Stable release (branch LinkStable) is merged with upstream aa3b2f3 2023.05.22

Stable 2024.03.22

Part: fix freezing when making wire (#973)

Stable 2024.03.17

Fix shadow light document setting (#948)
Fix customized toolbar size handling (#947)
Fix hidden line rendering
Fix Python console lost of bracket on auto completion
Show runtime attributes in Python console auto completion call tips
Fix SpinBox context menu
Part: fix meshing of infinite shape for visualization (#955)
Part: improved exception handling in pre-selection macro
Part|Surface: fix making BSpline face (#965)
PartDesign: fixed thickness editing panel input sync problem
Sketcher: fix crash on deleting external geometry (#967)
Sketcher: fix linear approximation of BSpline external edge (#958)
Sketcher: clear selection before trimming edge to avoid error message
Sketcher: suppress error message on creating arc

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