github rancher/fleet v0.3.0-alpha4

latest releases: pkg/apis/v0.12.0-beta.1, v0.12.0-beta.1, v0.11.5...
pre-release4 years ago


4207d5d Add more status to types
b760b02 Always compress if content isn't a valid utf8 string
443dfb5 Clean up CLI output during error
82aa140 Ensure orphaned bundle deployments are deleted
ec72c99 Fix issues in "fleet test"
5489992 Propagate labels from bundle to bundledeployment for tracking
1b58990 Refactor handling of targetsfile to be more consistent
f216385 Set the default namespace properly on the k8s client used by helm
c4f4d50 Switch to rancher repo in charts
ab6d4d7 Update generated code and CRDs
5a30772 Update gitjobs to v0.1.0 chart
ca109c9 Update vendor
552e3be Validate apiServerURL being set

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