Warning: This is a beta release for testing purposes. Things probably will break. For this reason, this release creates a database in it's root directory to prevent using the user's database. However, as always, we recommend backing up all your fits and even your current database file as a precaution. The database file is located in [userdir]/.pyfa/saveddata.db
. If you are looking for the latest official stable release, please see here: https://github.com/DarkFenX/Pyfa/releases/tag/v1.13.2
This is a beta pre-release that includes changes to the way ship skill bonuses are calculated (to support affecting skill changes), as well as some fixes and improvements on the previous pre-release that focused on projections. As over 700 effect files were modified largely by hand (FML), I'm releasing this pre-release in the hopes that more folks can test out their fits and see if any ship bonuses are missing or not acting correctl, and also to continue testing on projected fits as per previous pre-release.
This release contains everything from previous pre-release plus:
- Affected By tab: projected fits are now separate and have their own tree
- Affected By tab: charges that modify the weapon system should now be listed as the charge rather than the weapon
- New view in affected by tab. Instead of having modules as parent node and attributes as child node, this view switches these. Makes it easier to find out what is affecting a particular attributes
- "Change Affecting Skill" context menu added to modules / charges / ships, allowing you to change the skills that affect that item
- Fixed self projections when it comes to modifying fit and applying gang boosts
- Some fit-specific attributes (like local and remote shield repair amount) has been merged with ship attributes and affectors can now be seen in the ship stats
Known issues:
- Message pops up about a log file when exiting.
- Cannot switch mode on tactical destroyers