github prusa3d/Prusa-Firmware-Buddy v5.0.0-alpha4
5.0.0-alpha4 Firmware for Original Prusa MK4

latest releases: v6.2.3-alpha1, v6.2.3, v6.2.2...
pre-release19 months ago


  • Support for xBuddy revision

Firmware release 5.0.0-alpha4 for the Original Prusa MK4 is focused on adding support for xBuddy revision.

Support for xBuddy revision

This firmware release is extending support for the upcoming xBuddy hardware revision. The system recognizes between the boards automatically and there is no need for user intervention. The same feature was also introduced in the stable firmware release 4.7.1.

The reason for a revision is due to a change in chip suppliers, however, there is no difference in performance between existing and upcoming hardware revisions.

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