github portapack-mayhem/mayhem-firmware nightly-tag-2023-04-04
Nightly Release - 2023-04-04

latest releases: nightly-tag-2024-12-22, nightly-tag-2024-12-21, v2.1.0...
pre-release20 months ago

Nightly release - 2023-04-04
This build is the latest and greatest, although may not be the most stable as this is a nightly release.

Release notes

Revision (n_230404):

  • 3db3e78 - @gullradriel: Merge pull request #866 from gullradriel/recon-gui-update
  • a48eccc - @GullCode: widget size and position adjustement to avoid overlap, changed OPT in favor of CONFIG and gave all the side buttons the same size
  • 5707755 - @GullCode: fixed peak that was drawing after the rssi widget

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