github pgRouting/pgrouting pgrouting-2.2.0-beta1

latest releases: v3.7.1, v3.7.0, v3.6.3...
pre-release8 years ago

With the release of pgRouting 2.2, we continue with the re-factoring of the library.

pgrouting-2.2.0-beta1 release fixes a library name problem.

Various bugs have been fixed and a new family of functions withPoints has been added.

For important changes see the following release notes. To see the full list of changes check the list of Closed Issues on Github.

The documentation has more details about the signatures.

Changes for 2.2.0

  • Improved:
    • pgr_nodeNetwork
  • Signature fix
    • pgr_dijkstra -- to match what was documented (the pgr_dijkstra from V2.0)
  • New functions
    • pgr_floydWarshall
    • pgr_Johnson
    • pgr_DijkstraCost
  • New Proposed functions
    • pgr_withPoints
    • pgr_withPointsCost
    • pgr_withPointsDD
    • pgr_withPointsKSP
    • pgr_dijkstraVia
  • Deprecated functions:
    • pgr_apspWarshall use pgr_floydWarshall instead
    • pgr_apspJohnson use pgr_Johnson instead
    • pgr_kDijkstraCost use pgr_dijkstraCost instead
    • pgr_kDijkstraPath use pgr_dijkstra instead

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