github paul-buerkner/brms v1.2.0
brms 1.2.0

latest releases: v2.22.0, v2.21.0, v2.20.3...
8 years ago

new features

  • Add the new family hurdle_lognormal
    specifically suited for zero-inflated continuous responses.
  • Introduce the pp_check method to perform
    various posterior predictive checks
    using the bayesplot package.
  • Introduce the marginal_smooths method to
    better visualize smooth terms.
  • Allow varying the scale of global shrinkage
    parameter of the horseshoe prior.
  • Add functions prior and prior_string
    as aliases of set_prior, the former
    allowing to pass arguments without quotes ""
    using non-standard evaluation.
  • Introduce four new vignettes explaining how to fit
    non-linear models, distributional models, phylogenetic models,
    and monotonic effects respectively.
  • Extend the coef method to better
    handle category specific group-level effects.
  • Introduce the prior_summary method
    for brmsfit objects to obtain a summary
    of prior distributions applied.
  • Sample from the prior of the original population-level
    intercept when sample_prior = TRUE even in models
    with an internal temporary intercept used to improve
    sampling efficiency.
  • Introduce methods posterior_predict,
    predictive_error and log_lik as
    (partial) aliases of predict, residuals,
    and logLik respectively.

other changes

  • Improve computation of Bayes factors
    in the hypothesis method to be less
    influenced by MCMC error.
  • Improve documentation of default priors.
  • Refactor internal structure of some
    formula and prior evaluating functions.
    This should not have any user visible effects.
  • Use the bayesplot package as the
    new backend of plot.brmsfit.

bug fixes

  • Better mimic mgcv when parsing smooth terms
    to make sure all arguments are correctly handled.
  • Avoid an error occuring during the prediction
    of new data when grouping factors with only a single
    factor level were supplied thanks to Tom Wallis.
  • Fix marginal_effects to consistently
    produce plots for all covariates in non-linear models
    thanks to David Auty.
  • Improve the update method to better recognize
    situations where recompliation of the Stan code
    is necessary thanks to Raphael P.H.
  • Allow to correctly update the sample_prior
    argument to value "only".
  • Fix an unexpected error occuring in many S3 methods
    when the thinning rate is not a divisor of the total
    number of posterior samples thanks to Paul Zerr.

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