github paritytech/polkadot-sdk polkadot-stable2407-8
Polkadot stable2407-8

10 hours ago

This release contains the changes from polkadot-stable2407-7 to polkadot-stable2407-8.

ℹ️ Please note:

⚠️ This is a patch release for the stable version: stable2407 and contains only patches and fixes to the crates (list below). No binary or docker images will be provided for this release.

The tag corresponding to the current patch release polkadot-stable2407-8 and matching the old pattern will be available under polkadot-v1.15.8.

The following crates were updated to the corresponding versions:

- staging-xcm-builder@16.0.4


Changelog for Runtime Dev

ℹ️ These changes are relevant to: All of those who rely on the runtime. A parachain team that is using a pallet. A DApp that is using a pallet. These are people who care about the protocol (WASM, not the meta-protocol (client).)

[#7243]: transfer function Preservation is changed to Expendable in fungible and fungibles adapter

The Preservation of transfer method of fungible and fungibles adapters is changed from Preserve to Expendable. So the behavior of the TransferAsset will be consistent with the WithdrawAsset function, as in fungible and fungibles adapter.

Rust compiler versions

This release was built and tested against the following versions of rustc.
Other versions may work.

  • Rust Stable: "1.81.0"

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