- Language support for Hashicorp Configuration Language (HCL) #730
- FindInheritedFields can find fields assignable to the requested type. #751
- Add optional parameter to AddDependency #674
- Update EmptyForInitializerPad from rewrite-checkstyle into modern cleanup recipe #749
- Add annotation information to JavaType.Class #762
- Add ContainerImage helper #767
- String literal equality cleanup #769
- No Finalizer cleanup #770
- JavaVisitor#visitMethodDeclaration doesn't visit annotations on the name prefix. #726
- ImportLayoutStyle#ImportPackage always calls Pattern.compile(packageWildcard). #738
- Fail eagerly when attempting to add jar artifacts to JavaParser, but they can't be found. #741
- UpgradeDependencyVersion affecting unexpected dependencies #739
- Permit injection of ExecutionContext into recipe test harness #743
- Permit JavaType.Method#resolvedSignature to be null #744
- Loosen UsesType, FindTypes to match on type references that are assignable to the input type. #752
- Recipe validation error in org.openrewrite.java.security.JavaSecurityBestPractices #753
- Remove declarative styles eureka.yml and genie.yml #757
- MinimumViableSpacing doesn't ensure there are spaces between multiple modifiers #758
- AddImport no longer orders all imports #761
- Parse try-with-resources when the resource reference is an identifier #763
- Comment not present in AST #764
- AnnotationTemplateGenerator produces snippets with multiple definitions of the same inner class #765
- Support Java assert detail #766
- ChangeType of a type referring to a static field #768
- Problem parsing lambda parameters whose name starts with 'var' #771
- Support ChangeType from inner classes to outer classes #773
- Java AddImport produces two imports on the same line with no space between #772
- Java AddImport shouldn't add imports to symbols in the same package as the current compilation unit #777
- Java ChangeType should change the name of a matching class declaration #775