github nextcloud/polls v1.7.2-beta3
v1.7.2 beta3

pre-release4 years ago

[1.7.2 - beta3] - 2021-01-17

  • [fix] #1346 - user search broken
  • [fix] #1344 - prevent commenting, when entering public poll without registration
  • [fix] #1338 - Support dark mode and dark theme

[1.7.1 - beta2] - 2021-01-12

  • [fix] #1325 - There are no spaces in the column name
  • [fix] #1326 - Invalid string text in the email
  • [enhancement] #739 - Limit number of participant per option
  • [enhancement] #738 - Limit numer of votes per participant (also #647, #624)
  • [dependencies] Updated dependencies
  • [refactoring] Mainly code meintenance and optimizations, bug fixes

[1.7.0 - beta1] - 2021-01-02

  • [enhancement] #188 use notification app for invitations
  • [enhancement] #907 reload current poll every 30 seconds
  • [enhancement] #924 admin users can delete and takeover polls from other users via new admin section
  • [enhancement] #881 respect autocompletion limitations from share settings for users, group and circle searches
  • [gui] public polls - combine registration dialogs into one dialog
  • [gui] polls overview changed display of expiration timespan
  • [fix] #433, #856 avoid duplicates in different tables
  • [fix] #1252 - External user is not listed in admin's shares list
  • [fix] #1183 - Avoid concurrent long term user searches with a big user base
  • [fix] #1181 - Speed up poll overview, by avoiding unnecessary loading of polls, the user is not allowed to see

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