github newrelic/docs-website release-183

🚀 What's new?

@rishimukhop1 - Added text for .NET Core on Linux support that has been released as a part of Virtuoso ->
@paperclypse - Fixes some broken links ->
@barbnewrelic - Update install-browser-monitoring-agent.mdx ->
@paperclypse - Merge pull request #2651 from newrelic/custom-apm-events-fix-links ->
@CherylFrankenfield - This behavior also shows up in SPA data ->
@paperclypse - Merge pull request #2650 from rishimukhop1/patch-1 ->
@barbnewrelic - Merge pull request #2652 from newrelic/hero-2638 ->
@vkasanneni-nr - Updated doc to add response code -3 ->
@vkasanneni-nr - Update synthetic-monitoring-response-codes.mdx ->
@barbnewrelic - Update not-seeing-specific-page-or-endpoint-names-browser-data.mdx ->
@barbnewrelic - Merge pull request #2654 from CherylFrankenfield/patch-3 ->
@barbnewrelic - Merge pull request #2656 from vkasanneni-nr/patch-1 ->

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