github moonrepo/moon v1.28.2

latest releases: v1.32.9, @moonrepo/core-windows-x64-msvc@1.32.9, @moonrepo/core-macos-x64@1.32.9...
6 months ago

🚀 Updates

  • Updated cached task outputs to now be prefixed with the task target when printing to the console.
  • Updated Bun/Yarn lockfile parsing to temporarily log a warning on parse failure instead of exiting
    with an error. This change was made as there are currently no actionable or human-readable error

🐞 Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where empty lines were being trimmed while streaming task console output.
  • Fixed an issue where tasks that errored before the command is executed, would swallow the error
    in moon ci.
    • It would also put the task in a non-failed state depending on the order of operations. This
      should be correct now.

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