github microsoft/winget-cli v0.1.41821-preview
Windows Package Manager v0.1.41821 Preview

4 years ago

This update includes a new configuration mechanism, a few bug fixes, and some security improvements. We've also started making improvements for non-ASCII characters in paths.

A special shout out to @philipcraig, @edjroot, @bnt0, @danielchalmers, @superusercode, @doppelc, @sachinjoseph, @ivan-kulikov-dev, @chausner, @jsoref, @DurableMicron, @Olifant1990, @MarcusP-P, @himejisyana, & @dyl10s (in order of appearance).


Settings command #396

winget settings

Bug Fixes

Program names seem to be case sensitive #252
Interactive installation parameter does not work #365

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