github mendhak/gpslogger v72
v72 - Doze, error messages, privacy, satellites

latest releases: v133, v133-rc1, v132...
9 years ago
  • Added provider and satellite count to CSV logger
  • Fixed satellite count in URL/GPX/CSV to be satellites used in fix
  • Added privacy policy and other links to general screen
  • Some error dialogs (eg senders testing) can show more detailed error messages
  • Ability to email debug log
  • New folder chooser, hopefully less confusing than before
  • Disabled passive listener by default, causing too many jumpy points
  • Android 6 doze mode - will go quiet during doze mode, and restore logging/sending when out of doze


  • Massive refactoring to make the code more like Java and less like C# - method naming, package structure, etc.
  • Added proguard due to being pushed over the 65k limit. It was either that or multidexing which would cause app slowdowns. Would like to try proguard first.
  • Removed usage of legacy Apache HTTP client where I could but Dropbox SDK still uses it. Added OKHTTP client for the first time.

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