Fixed broken icons in design Applications
🎉 Finally fixed: #443
Some design applications showed completely broken icons. This was caused by using an old version of SVGO, were this did a wrong optimisation in icons.
I checked every icon on visually changes. Please open issue if you find a broken icon.
Complete list of icons that are "re-optimized" icons see below.
Modified Icons 🔨
, alarm-check
, alarm-clock-off
, alarm-clock
, alarm-minus
, alarm-plus
, alert-triangle
, align-center-horizontal
, align-center-vertical
, anchor
, archive
, arrow-big-left
, arrow-big-right
, asterisk
, at-sign
, axe
, baseline
, battery-charging
, beaker
, bell-minus
, bell-off
, bell-plus
, bell-ring
, bell
, bike
, bitcoin
, bluetooth-connected
, bluetooth-off
, bluetooth-searching
, bluetooth
, bold
, book-open
, book
, bookmark-minus
, bookmark-plus
, bookmark
, box-select
, box
, briefcase
, brush
, bug
, bus
, camera-off
, camera
, car
, carrot
, cast
, check-circle-2
, check-circle
, check-square
, chevrons-down-up
, chevrons-up-down
, circle-slashed
, clipboard-check
, clipboard-copy
, clipboard-list
, clipboard-x
, clipboard
, cloud-drizzle
, cloud-fog
, cloud-hail
, cloud-lightning
, cloud-moon
, cloud-off
, cloud-rain-wind
, cloud-rain
, cloud-snow
, cloud-sun
, cloud
, cloudy
, clover
, code-2
, codesandbox
, coffee
, coins
, command
, contrast
, cookie
, copy
, copyleft
, copyright
, corner-down-left
, corner-down-right
, corner-left-down
, corner-left-up
, corner-right-down
, corner-right-up
, corner-up-left
, corner-up-right
, crop
, cross
, crown
, delete
, dollar-sign
, download-cloud
, download
, droplet
, droplets
, drumstick
, edit-2
, edit-3
, edit
, euro
, expand
, external-link
, eye-off
, facebook
, feather
, figma
, file-check-2
, file-check
, file-code
, file-digit
, file-input
, file-minus-2
, file-minus
, file-output
, file-plus-2
, file-plus
, file-search
, file-text
, file-x-2
, file-x
, file
, flame
, flashlight-off
, flashlight
, flask-conical
, flask-round
, folder-minus
, folder-open
, folder-plus
, folder
, forward
, framer
, gamepad-2
, gauge
, gavel
, gem
, ghost
, gift
, git-branch-plus
, git-branch
, git-fork
, git-merge
, git-pull-request
, github
, gitlab
, glasses
, globe-2
, globe
, grab
, hammer
, hand-metal
, hand
, hard-drive
, hard-hat
, haze
, headphones
, heart
, help-circle
, hexagon
, highlighter
, history
, home
, image-minus
, image-off
, image-plus
, import
, inbox
, indian-rupee
, inspect
, instagram
, key
, languages
, laptop
, lasso-select
, lasso
, library
, lightbulb-off
, lightbulb
, link-2-off
, link-2
, link
, linkedin
, list-x
, loader-2
, lock
, log-in
, log-out
, map-pin
, maximize
, megaphone
, message-circle
, message-square
, mic-off
, mic
, minimize
, monitor-off
, monitor-speaker
, moon
, mountain-snow
, mountain
, mouse-pointer-2
, mouse-pointer-click
, mouse-pointer
, package-check
, package-minus
, package-plus
, package-search
, package-x
, package
, palette
, palmtree
, paperclip
, pen-tool
, pencil
, person-standing
, phone-call
, phone-forwarded
, phone-incoming
, phone-missed
, phone-off
, phone-outgoing
, phone
, pie-chart
, pipette
, plane
, plug-zap
, pocket
, podcast
, pointer
, power-off
, power
, printer
, radio
, redo
, refresh-ccw
, refresh-cw
, regex
, repeat-1
, repeat
, reply-all
, reply
, rocket
, rocking-chair
, rotate-ccw
, rotate-cw
, rss
, ruler
, save
, scale
, scan-line
, scan
, screen-share-off
, screen-share
, server-crash
, server-off
, settings
, share
, shield-check
, shield-off
, shirt
, shopping-bag
, shopping-cart
, shovel
, shrink
, sidebar-close
, sidebar-open
, skull
, slack
, smartphone-charging
, snowflake
, sort-asc
, sort-desc
, sprout
, star-half
, strikethrough
, subscript
, sun
, sunrise
, sunset
, superscript
, switch-camera
, tent
, terminal-square
, text-cursor-input
, text-cursor
, thermometer-snowflake
, thermometer-sun
, thermometer
, thumbs-down
, thumbs-up
, ticket
, timer-off
, timer-reset