github linuxserver/docker-cops 2.0.1-ls160

latest releases: 3.5.7-ls248, 3.5.4-ls247, 3.5.4-ls246...
18 months ago

LinuxServer Changes:

Undeprecate and add new branch with mikespub fork which is actively maintained.

seblucas-cops Changes:

The 2.x.x releases will support PHP >= 8.1 which is typical for most source code & docker image installs now.
The 1.x.x releases will be the only ones supporting PHP >= 7.4 in the future.

The main difference compared to release 1.5.4 is switching from the (very) old TbsZip class to the modern maennchen/zipstream-php package to update EPub files on the fly, via the dependency on package mikespub/php-epub-meta release 2.x instead of 1.x

Also included are a few more improvements on the bootstrap5 template - see pull request #35 from @dunxd

Full Changelog: mikespub-org/seblucas-cops@1.5.4...2.0.1

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