github keystonejs/keystone 2021-05-17
✨ 17th May 2021

latest releases: 2024-04-30, @keystone-6/core@6.1.0, @keystone-6/core@0.0.0-rc-20240429035832...
3 years ago

What's New

Apollo cache hinting can now be configured on a per list or field basis — which can dramatically improve your applications performance 🔥.

Implementing basic authentication? We've got another example using withAuth from the auth package to get you started 🔒.

Focus control is now handled better in the Keystone UI, see the PR for the before and after 👀!

Thanks to @cameronbraid for spotting a session issue and resolving it 🐛.

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Major Changes

  • #5694 b1baeaba1 Thanks @timleslie! - The Setup type, returned by setupFromConfig and passed into test functions in multiAdapterRunners now has connect and disconnect functions, rather than a keystone object.

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

  • #5670 669f0d8ac Thanks @gwyneplaine! - Added focustrap to the PopoverDialog component, when the PopoverDialog is open, browser focus is now trapped within it till the dialog is closed.


Minor Changes

Patch Changes


Minor Changes

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Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Major Changes

Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes

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