github jiangtian616/JHenTai v7.1.3+128

latest releases: v8.0.6+277, v8.0.6+274, v8.0.6+271...
21 months ago
  1. 大幅优化页面渲染性能,缓解UI卡顿
  2. 新增瀑布流(中)布局
  3. 阅读设置页现在不会应用沉浸模式
  4. 修复设置页尾部文字颜色的bug
  5. 修复浏览过的表站画廊被移入里站后显示被删除的bug
  6. 优化iOS和macOS上本地画廊的帮助信息
  7. 修复在访问被版权保护的画廊时,版权作者显示错误的bug

  1. Optimize the performance of page rendering greatly
  2. Add a new layout: WaterFallFlow (medium)
  3. The immersive mode is no longer applied in read setting page
  4. Fix the bug with font color in setting page
  5. Fix the bug where previously viewed gallery is shown as deleted after being moved into the EX site
  6. Optimize help information for local gallery on iOS and macOS
  7. Fix the bug with information displayed when accessing a gallery that is protected by copyright

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