github jenkinsci/kubernetes-operator v0.8.0-beta2

latest releases: v0.8.1, v0.8.0
20 months ago

New in this Release

  • Backup with zstd: By default, the backup PVC method now uses zstd as the default compression algorithm instead of gz. This change is aimed at benefiting users with a large number of jobs to back up. The migration process is designed to be harmless. The script will restore the latest *.gz backup and then start using the new format: <backup-number>.tar.zstd in the backup persistent volume. To clean up the old .gz backups, manual intervention is required as they will not be deleted automatically. If you prefer to continue using the .gz format, you can use version 0.2.2 (

  • Latest Plugin Installation: The new upstream Jenkins CLI now installs the latest plugins by default. However, this behavior can cause issues if the Jenkins instance frequently restarts. To address this, a new option called latestPlugin has been added. For more details, refer to issue #797. Note that when latestPlugin is set to false, you will need to manually specify fixed versions for many dependencies.

  • Devcontainer Support: Added support for devcontainer to improve the development process, particularly when working with older Golang versions and libraries.

  • Restore Before Seed Job Creation: By default, the operator now restores the backup before creating the seed jobs. This change helps avoid race conditions during the restore process.

  • Toleration Support in Helm Chart: Tolerations are now supported in the Helm chart.

Bugs Fixed (🤞 )

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