github ionuttbara/windows-defender-remover release_def_12_2_2

latest releases: release_def_12_8_2, release_def_12_8_1, release_def_12_8...
21 months ago

Added new rules for removing Defender:

  1. Disabled Microsoft Vulnerable Driver BlockList. ( i don't know why some drivers mod are in that blocklist =)))
  2. Disabled Early Launch Anti-Malware Protection. (i've seen the shut down time was improved so much).

Known issues:

i'm come with an update : you must run the script twice in build 25324, becauae in first run will get an error is an virus, reboot and try to run the script again.
This version is designed for who want to test removal of Defender via offline Windows Image (ISO, .wim). Maybe i'll finish in 1 week or two, but that will worth. =))

  1. After mounting images it will show an menu. Pressing the specified letters will no go to menus because is not implemented the removal or disablation.
  2. When the script detected the image as .esd, the app will crash.
  3. In Windows 11 Moment 2 (and Moment 1) the task manager will go to old version.
  4. Testing workarounds for UWP issues such disconnected storage error.
  5. I've seen the shutdown time was decreased , so the case is to be disablation of Early Launch Anti-Malware Protection. You must apply this version of script to see the effects. Also if you get an error because of this version of the script, feel write to write in Issues Section, here is a link for that:

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