github hydrusnetwork/hydrus v553
Version 553

latest releases: v610, v609, v608-macos-zip-01...
15 months ago

animated gif fixes

  • fixed the false positive "serious I/O Error! This is a significant hard drive problem" problems saw in last week's animated gif 'has transparency' rescanning. it turns out the PIL animated gif renderer we rarely use was raising overly serious errors on a truncated frame (i.e. some borked file, not a borked OS hard drive access), and this was escalating up to the overall maintenance system, which was shutting down in panic. truncated gifs in the PIL renderer should now just either render the last frame over and over or rewind as soon as they hit a super problem
  • as well as rendering, the duration and frame-counter code also handles these borked frames better, so animated gifs that have a single borked frame should now A) import without an error and B) get more accurate frame counts
  • you may have seen this sort of error before where an mpv window seems to keep rendering the gif despite the scanbar hitting its right end. if you see a file like that, try right-clicking and hitting manage->maintenance->regenerate file metadata. might just fix it up!
  • if mpv encounters one of these busted gifs, a selection of quiet-but-spammy "I don't know what happened, but MPV just reported a weird error, here it is" logging no longer happens. we basically know what happened, and mpv seems good at recovering
  • fixed some PIL alpha gif rendering on backwards seek and loop

slideshow tech

  • options->media has a new 'slideshow' section with five new options regarding slideshows and media with duration (video, audio). if you don't care too much, just leave them alone--they make slideshows transition better!
  • first, there's a checkbox to say 'always play duration-having media completely once through before moving on'. this was the previous behaviour, now default off
  • then there are two options, for a percentage of the current slideshow period and a flat seconds value, to say 'if the duration-having media is shorter than this amount of time, then move the slideshow on early'. this allows short gif loops to play a bit, but not for 15 minutes
  • then there is an option, for a percentage of the current slideshow period, to say 'if the duration-having media has a duration between this amount and 100% of the slideshow period, then move on once it has played once through'. this allows for clean slideshow transitions for media that is just a bit shorter than the slideshow period
  • then there is an option, again for a percentage of the slideshow period, to say 'if the duration-having media is longer than the slideshow period plus this amount of time, then delay moving on until it is played once through'. this allows 35 second videos to complete fully in a 30 second slideshow while stopping a ten minute vid hogging its turn
  • completely rewrote the slideshow timer tech
  • did a little work bringing the experimental Qt media player up to proper slideshow capability, and neatened the associated code
  • yes, hydev did write all these options for his repurposed slideshow computer because he was annoyed about his vidya captures and 500ms loops playing jank on a 30m slideshow period


  • the file-info-summary lines that appear in the top row thumbnail menu submenu now show if a file has audio/transparency/exif/other metadata/icc profile
  • the file-info-summary lines that appear in the top row thumbnail menu submenu and the top-center of the media viewer no longer list 'removed from x 5 days ago' for files that were moved internally between local file services. these statements were spammy and not helpful! if you really need them, are available in the 'manage times' dialog. sorry for the annoyance here
  • trying to move a file from local file service x to y no longer triggers the archive delete lock, if you have that enabled (this was prohibiting the delete from x after the copy to y is done)
  • the 'import options' button now labels itself with 'all default', 'all set', or 'some set' to quick-review what it is holding
  • the stupidly named advanced users' OR* button is now just advanced
  • the 'manage->regenerate' thumbnail menu is now called 'maintenance', and it always contains the whole file maintenance job list just as it appears in the main file maintenance panel. tooltips are the longer descriptions
  • if you reduce a static check time in a checker options (watchers or subscriptions), the next check time should now recalculate correctly immediately. previously, the new check period wasn't kicking in until the next, delayed cycle. I have preserved the logic that tries to keep a static check time regular (which was the core problem here), where if you check every 7 days on saturday night, then delaying one time and running it on sunday night won't delay the check time phase along to next sunday--the next week it will be due on saturday again
  • the system:rating edit panel has some tooltips that say 'Set "is" and leave rating null to search for "unrated".'. maybe this is annoying, maybe I should just add redundant 'unrated' checkboxes, let me know what you think
  • when the file maintenance routine runs into a serious error (like we had with the false positive transparent gifs), the popup messages now include a file button for the problem file for easy referral
  • if a file breaks MPV in a crashy-looking way, hydrus now makes a popup with a file button to it for easy referral
  • fixed a typo issue with the recent temp folder recovery code that broke the temp folder for file imports on the hydrus file repository. sorry for the trouble, this slipped through unit testing because that too has a hacky temp folder solution!

weird/specific stuff

  • I've spaced out many of the initial library loads across the core boot init routine. fingers crossed, the splash screen will open earlier and report more as things each import, rather than taking ages to appear and then suddenly initialising everything real quick (on slow computers). also, a monolithic UI init job is broken up into pieces, which should let the splash update itself a little smoother as your client loads its style and stuff
  • the file and database maintenance managers are now initialised in a better stage, and, like the subscription manager, they now do not start any work until the first session is fully loaded
  • while pouring over the server code trying to find a petition miscount bug and/or a petition summary fetch bug (which I was entirely unsuccessful at), I stopped it 404ing when there are unexpectedly no petitions to fetch--it should now just give an empty list and reset the count serverside, which is an old behaviour that wasn't working quite right in the modern system. this will cost less CPU than commanding the full service service_info number reset. I will have to investigate the core problem of miscounts more closely to figure out the base problem here
  • if two subscription jobs publish files to the same popup label (which merges the popup button to include both sets of files), this file list is now properly deduplicated (so if both subs picked up the same file(s), it now won't try to publish the same file twice). the basic popup button instantiation also clears out dupes
  • the 'additional tags'-only tag import options in a subscription query can now no longer be set 'default'. this choice was unintended and has no current meaning if set
  • building on last week, there are even fewer duplicate menu tooltips
  • updated and clarified the text in options->external programs. also, if you try to put a command that does not include "%path%", it'll moan at you with a yes/no dialog
  • when 'confirm sending files to trash' is off but 'use advanced file delete dialog' is also on, the advanced file delete dialog will now not pop up if there is only one normal local file service to delete from (it was always popping up before, since it exposes the physical file delete options and the dialog thought it wasn't a 'one-choice' delete)
  • the forced-wait throttle that happens on several exception catches is reduced from 1s to 200ms
  • I made the new job status queue properly thread-safe with a lock. I forgot to do it last week, whoops!
  • fixed the build script to construct a file named .tar.zst for the Ubuntu release, not .tar.gz

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