github hydrusnetwork/hydrus v284
Version 284

latest releases: v605-future-02, v605-future-01, v605...
7 years ago
  • fixed subscription queries turning dead on the initial sync
  • all dead subscription queries have been set to check again in case they can revive
  • added query file velocity to edit subscription panel
  • subscription network contexts now reflect the new multiple subscription query system, and are named "sub_name: query_text". as every query now counts as its own separate subscription network context, this will stop query-heavy subscriptions from throttling so much on bandwidth limits
  • finished URLMatch object, which matches and normalises URLs into certain 'classes' like 'gelbooru post url'
  • expanded some URLMatch subdomain options
  • fixed some test logic in URLMatch
  • finished the last of the EditURLMatchPanel
  • split the 'manage network rules' dialog into two panels--it now has a 'url classes' tab
  • wrote a panel for managing url matches
  • added export/import/duplicate buttons to EditURLMatchesPanel
  • wrote some URLMatches for hentai-foundry as an initial test of the system and added a temp button to add them--please check them out to see how it all works
  • all, invert, inbox, and archive (and none, lol) thumbnail 'select' menu items now have counts
  • invert is now at the bottom
  • the thumbnail select menu now has local/remote entries if applicable (this typically is only true in 'all known files' file domain)
  • added png/clipboard export/import/duplicate code to the generic new listctrl button wrapper panel, which will save a bunch of time as the png/clipboard sharing system expands
  • added a human-facing serialisable name to all objects on the new serialisation system and tied the new import/export code into it for png presentation
  • the edit import folder dialog will now complain (but not veto) on an ok event if any of the entered paths do not exist
  • if you attempt to manually run an import folder while import folders are globally paused, you'll get a little popup telling you so
  • added an experimental 'thumbnail fill' setting to options->gui. it zooms the existing thumbnails so they fill the whole thumb space. feedback on this from those who would be interested in a prettier system would be appreciated
  • added 'paste tags' buttons to filename tagging options panel
  • the paths/urls in the file import cache are now their own object that holds the creation/modified/source times and current status and note. this object can also hold prospective urls, tags, and hashes for future use
  • a bunch of file import actions are faster
  • all the different importers now use this new file import object
  • fixed a screen position calculation in the new drag and drop filtering code that was accidentally including too many possible drop candidates on drops in the top-left corner of the main gui (if you had trouble moving tabs to the left, this should be it fixed!)
  • fixed a problem display volume/chapter/page tags that included unicode characters in thumbnail banners and media viewers
  • fixed a rare media display bug in the dupe filter
  • fixed some 'C++ part of panel has been deleted' bugs in review services if the frame is shut down before delayed db info is fetched
  • cleaned up some more 'C++ deleted' errors in import files selection dialog
  • fixed the network context custom header panel 'add' action, which wasn't saving the value of the panel
  • fixed a bunch of bugs in the newish QueueListBox class
  • SynchroniseRepositories daemon will be better about quitting early on application shutdown
  • cleaned up some pending pretty timestamp grammar
  • when the client cannot clean up a temporary file, it will print more error information
  • added pylzma to the 'running from source' library recommendations. this is not required, but if available it adds ZWS flash support

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