- added 'all local files' service that spans all local file domains
- improved trash service code
- trashed files now report their trashed timestamp in right-click menus
- trash views will sort oldest/newest by the trash timestamp
- renamed 'local files' to 'my files' to reduce initial confusion
- if you don't like 'my files', you can now rename the local files service under manage services!
- improved how some local file service metadata is stored
- cleaned and possibly fixed up some delete code
- cleaned up a bunch of misc service and file service code
- the client is more intelligent about what local files are -- you can now 'open externally' trashed files, for instance
- on multiple monitor systems, the new sizing system now bounds itself by the appropriate monitor's dimensions (previously, it was always consulting the primary, I think)
- if an expansion event causes a frame to grow off screen, the new sizing system will now attempt to move it up and left so it is completely visible
- fixed an important bug in the specific service autocomplete cache that was leading to several kinds of miscount--please regen your autocomplete cache at your convenience
- the client can now post additional messages on boot (you'll see one!)
- improved how errors with unusual characters are applied to failed import file status objects
- left double-click on the main gui greyspace now opens the new page chooser as well
- restored session pages now recover more gracefully from missing services
- shortened the 'stop after this many files' phrase, which was mis-sizing downloader panels
- changed several bits of old jank in the 'import options - files' collapsible. it is also now thinner
- misc gui improvements
- updated more of the menu system code
- the selection tags box now sizes its height more reasonably
- fixed 'check now' and 'reset cache' buttons on edit sub dialog
- subscriptions report better file import status on their popup
- misc cleanup