github hydrusnetwork/hydrus v143
Version 143

latest releases: v611, v610, v609...
10 years ago
  • when making a READ autocomplete tag query, instances of tags that only have a count in a single namespaced domain will no longer accumulate helper results in the non-namespaced domain i.e. no more 'blah (1)' 'title:blah (1)' dupes
  • improved the way the above results are calculated
  • pixiv artist downloading now correctly asks for numerical artist id
  • reworded some of getting started with files help page to better explain multiple selection
  • widened the splash screen a bit so db update messages have more space
  • all frames and dialogs now have an explicit minimum size that is usually far smaller than their initial size
  • the dialogs with listctrls (import files, manage custom filter actions, and so on) now start a little shorter in height
  • fixed some bad sizer flags in dialogs with listctrls
  • rebalanced content update throttling for quicker correction under heavy load
  • moved the new 5 second break in the gallery parser to a position for quicker status updates
  • the gallery parser will report total urls found when it is finished (even if that is zero) and wait a bit to let you read that
  • fixed services->news to hide if you aren't connected to any repositories
  • autocomplete boxes are now a very slight shade of blue, see if you like it
  • fixed 'launch file externally' for linux and os x
  • fixed 'launch directory externally' for linux and os x
  • fixed 'set up server for me' for linux and os x, I think
  • improved some general external-process-launching code
  • cleaned and improved some of the predicate code

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