github google/ksp 1.5.30-1.0.0-beta09

latest releases: 2.0.20-Beta1-1.0.22, 2.0.0-1.0.22, 2.0.0-1.0.21...
2 years ago


  • Supported getting annotation instances if they are available at compile time.
  • added containingFile as extension properties on KSNode for getting containing file for symbols (if applicable).

PRs merged

#508 Add support for KSAnnotated annotation methods
#592 Creating PsiFiles multiple times might cause issue on certian platforms, filter new files by file name instead.
#594 support checked exception look up for property accessors
#596 change KSDeclaration.containingFile to an extension property on KSNode
#597 Disable isIntermoduleIncremental when isIncremental is false
#598 Bump Gradle to 7.2
#599 fix isVisibleFrom() for java package visibility
#600 fix visibility check for public override

Resolved issues

#507 getJvmCheckedException does not work for already compiled files
#505 support checked exception query for accessors
#503 javax.annotation.processing.Generated is no longer visible in beta08
#427 build failure due to "Descriptor wasn't found for declaration CLASS"
#53 Annotation values that are default are not visible in KSP
#582 TypeAlias generics are not visible as use-site

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