github gnmyt/Nexterm v1.0.3-OPEN-PREVIEW
Release 1.0.3-OPEN-PREVIEW

one day ago


Nexterm is currently in early development and subject to change. It is not recommended to use it in a production environment.


This version of Nexterm features server-side encryption of your passwords and private keys.
If you are migrating from an older version, you need to either remove your database file or run this script to encrypt your existing data.
For that, update to the newest version and start the container for the first time. Then, generate an encryption key and enter your Docker console (docker exec -it nexterm sh). Then, paste this script (with your updated encryption key):

ENCRYPTION_KEY=aba3aa8e29b9904d5d8d705230b664c053415c54be20ad13be99af0057dfa23a node -e 'const{encrypt:t}=require("./server/utils/encryption"),db=require("./server/utils/database"),Identity=require("./server/models/Identity"),migrateEncryption=async()=>{try{let e=await Identity.findAll({hooks:!1});for(let a of e){let i={},r=e=>{if(a[e]&&!a[`${e}IV`]&&!a[`${e}AuthTag`]){let r=t(a[e]);i[e]=r.encrypted,i[`${e}IV`]=r.iv,i[`${e}AuthTag`]=r.authTag}};r("password"),r("sshKey"),r("passphrase"),Object.keys(i).length>0&&(await Identity.update(i,{where:{}}),console.log(`Updated identity ${}`))}console.log("Database migration completed successfully.")}catch(s){console.error("Error migrating database:",s)}finally{await db.close()}};migrateEncryption();'

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Full Changelog: v1.0.2-OPEN-PREVIEW...v1.0.3-OPEN-PREVIEW

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