github etternagame/etterna 0.56.1-CalcOnly
0.56.1 Calc Only Pre-release

latest releases: v0.74.1, v0.74.0, v0.72.3...
pre-release7 years ago

[0.56.1-CalcOnly] - Updated 2017-10-30

See the comprehensive changelog in detail here.

This is not intended for new users

Same idea as last time. If you can't figure out how to scroll down and read stay away!!!

Calc Adjustments

  • Shifted (most) longjack files out of technical and into jack (jack speed).
  • Pushed up jack speed ratings for files that contain heavy jack sections but aren't comprised entirely of jacks. Most of the existing overrated files weren't pushed up much (maybe a little) but there should be a much smoother gradient and files with very fast/punishing jack sections should be better represented.
  • Slightly constrained some of the more ridiculous stamina rating outliers.
  • Rebalanced technical ratings a little bit in attempt to make them slightly more representative of actual technical files in addition to the longjack reclass.
  • Chordjacks and jackspeed are still lumped together for the time being.
  • Generated new blacklist worthy files.
  • Made some already underrated files even more underrated.

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