github ddev/ddev v1.17.0-alpha2
v1.17.0-alpha2: ddev snapshot improvements, defaults changes, Full support for Apple M1.

latest releases: v1.24.3, v1.24.2, v1.24.1...
pre-release4 years ago


See the installation instructions for details, but it's easy:

  • Please stop all projects first, this does no harm: ddev poweroff
  • macOS Homebrew and Linux Linuxbrew (ddev-edge channel only): brew install drud/ddev-edge/ddev or just brew upgrade drud/ddev-edge/ddev ). (You may need a brew update for homebrew to find the new release.). This now works on Apple Silicon Homebrew as well.
  • Windows: Use choco upgrade -y --pre ddev to get this one, or download the ddev_windows_installer below.
  • Linux and macOS with the script: Download the script, make it executable, and run it with the version: ./ <version>
  • And anywhere, you can just download the tarball or zipball, untar or unzip it, and place the executable in your path where it belongs.
  • Consider ddev delete images after upgrading to free up disk space used by previous docker image versions. This does no harm.

Key changes in v1.17.2-alpha2

  • Apple Silicon (M1 machines) is now fully supported natively, including with Homebrew installation. See Docker workarounds below.
  • Nice improvements to the ddev snapshot command by @cmuench - it now has --cleanup and --list flags.
  • ddev heidisql command provides a nice database browser on Windows and Windows WSL2 thanks to @andreashager .
  • The PHP default for new projects is now PHP 7.4. A few project types (Drupal 6 and Magento 1) override this to use 5.6.
  • The MariaDB default for new projects is 10.3.
  • You can now configure ddev to fail if a hook task fails with --fail-on-hook-fail thanks to @majamee
  • Drush Launcher is no longer used. Drupal 6 and Drupal 7 projects get Drush 8 directly, and Drupal 8 and 9 must have drush site-installed and it will be found in the $PATH.
  • Double nginx's http2_max_header_size to 32k in both ddev-router and web container.

Instructions and Workarounds for Apple M1

  1. Install the Docker Tech Preview 7.
  2. Use a terminal app that is not running. under Rosetta 2. So for example, if using iTerm, the "get info" checkbox should NOT say "Open using Rosetta".
  3. Install with Apple Silicon Homebrew (in /opt/homebrew) or using the v1.17.0-alpha2 script as above.
  4. Check to make sure you got the arm64 version of ddev. file or file /usr/local/bin/ddev should show "/usr/local/bin/ddev: Mach-O 64-bit executable arm64". If it shows amd64, you have the wrong version of ddev.
  5. ddev --version should show the right version
  6. The Docker Tech Preview 7 does not yet provide the hostname "host.docker.internal" inside the container. On my machine it's, and may be the same on yours. You can find out what it is (temporary hack) by docker run -it --rm alpine nslookup - the "Server" reported in the failed lookup seems to be host.docker.internal. If yours is not, then put what yours is into ~/.ddev/global_config.yaml host_docker_internal:
  7. Once that works, you should be able to debug with an IDE like PHPStorm (and PHPStorm now has a full Apple Silicon build
  8. To get NFS going, there seems to be a difference in networking. Take the IP you found for host.docker.internal and add one and add it to /etc/exports in addition to "localhost". Mine ended up like this:
/Users/rfay -alldirs -mapall=501:20 localhost
/Users/rfay -alldirs -mapall=501:20

I was able to figure this out by running and searching for nfsd and watching for the failure IP address when I ran ddev debug nfsmount.

I'm happy to help you debug this, so ping me (rfay) on slack, or any other support venue

Commits since v1.16.5

70df9b2 Bump PHP default to php7.4, fixes #2657 (#2716)
dd8369b Miscellaneous docs fixes (#2695) [skip ci][ci skip]
ffd96db [docs] Add "Limitations using ddev composer" for #2547 (#2718) [skip ci][ci skip]
0ef1b0c [docs only] TYPO fixes (#2723) [skip ci]
85e656f Add --list and --cleanup options to snapshot command, for #1163 (#2701)
67f99f5 Stop using drush launcher, use drush8 for drupal6/7, fixes #2514 (#2720)
900d464 Experimental support for Apple Silicon M1 (darwin_arm64), fixes #2338 (#2687)
0688703 Update spf/cobra and dependencies for #2702 (#2715)
d1b68e4 Bump default mariadb version to 10.3, fixes #2232 (#2717)
b6c6f06 Double nginx's http2_max_header_size to 32k, fixes #2697 (#2698)
bc1d660 TestServices has been failing a lot, give solr a little time to come up (#2714)
5491d0c Ignore drushrc.php writing when settings disabled (#2684)
2ff4f0b Create new HeidiSQL command for Windows and WSL2 (#2679)
d86db92 Update for bedrock (#2699)
5d17f0e Allow configuration to fail when a hook execution fails, fixes #2536 (#2652)
4ab01db Improve 3rd-party Apache SOLR setup in (#2670) [skip ci][ci skip]
e93110b [tests only, circleci] Use Ubuntu 20.04 for builds, bump cache, build makemsis from source (#2713)
95a6f48 auth ssh command had out of date switch in long description (#2711)
d8a2e49 Use TYPO3 11 for installations by default (#2707)

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