What's Changed
A lot of work went into this release. Below are all of the PRs that went into this release, but it might be more straightforward to read the new documentation. The 2.0.0 release will definitely work a little differently than you're used to if you've been using the 1.x releases.
- Readme: fix code highlighting by @TomasVotruba in #87
- Only show debugging info when using the verbose option by @pfrenssen in #90
- Use system tmp dir - fixes #89 by @erik-seifert in #96
- Document composer.json patching alternatives by @iamEAP in #97
- Introduce "composer-exit-on-patch-failure" config option. by @Leksat in #46
- Fixes #38: Multiple packages using the same patch throws an array to string exception. by @grasmash in #92
- Renamed variable, which is accidentally modified while ignoring patches by @DevinCarlson in #103
- Fix short array syntax in Patches.php:157 by @echernyavskiy in #94
- Remove GIT_DIR by @david-garcia-garcia in #104
- Use --git-dir instead of GIT_DIR env variable by @daften in #108
- Fix duplicate entries after failed patch. by @LionsAd in #143
- Add switch to $patch_levels for Magento 2 Official Patches by @navarr in #136
- Don't return too early before gathering patches of dependencies by @QuingKhaos in #151
- Increase post install/update handler priority to support other plugins by @mmenozzi in #153
- Revamp testing framework by @cweagans in #162
- Exit on patch failure should use composer extra, not localPackage by @kdebisschop in #166
- Fixes #148: Incompatible with Git 2.14+. by @danepowell in #165
- Use cweagans/composer-configurable-plugin by @cweagans in #164
- Add a patch value object + support a more verbose patch format by @cweagans in #211
- Split out patch resolution into Composer Capabilities by @cweagans in #212
- Remove patch report generation by @cweagans in #213
- Make sure that Patch and PatchCollection objects can be correctly serialized/deserialized by @cweagans in #214
- Add missing ext-json in composer.json. by @drupol in #248
- Use strict comparison. by @drupol in #249
- Add contributing section to readme. by @ElijahLynn in #264
- Use empty() instead of isset() to check for empty arrays in RootComposer (test coverage 100%) by @ElijahLynn in #265
- Remove dependency patch resolution by @cweagans in #267
- [docs] Fix grumphp command in readme. by @ElijahLynn in #269
- Retry failed downloads once by @Berdir in #282
- Use drupal/core instead of drupal/drupal in examples by @geerlingguy in #304
- Add support for Composer version 2 by @Ayesh in #309
- Add PHP 7.4 to Travis build matrix by @kdambekalns in #328
- Fix Travis config linter warnings by @kdambekalns in #327
- Fixes #359: COMPOSER_EXIT_ON_PATCH_FAILURE doesn't do anything by @grasmash in #360
- Add support for Promises being returned by uninstall in Composer 2.1 by @Seldaek in #364
- Add note about installing
by @afilina in #379 - Fix for outdated patch version on FreeBSD by @pesc in #334
- Add a method to tell if a package has been patched by @phenaproxima in #392
- Add automated tests, require PHP 8 by @danepowell in #428
- Fix automated tests by @danepowell in #429
- Add installedPatches property to fix PHP 8.2 deprecation by @shyim in #409
- Fix #408: Support proxies by @skyred in #440
- Bump codeception/module-cli from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1 by @dependabot in #438
- Automatically merge dependency updates by @danepowell in #442
- Bump composer/composer from 2.5.0 to 2.5.1 by @dependabot in #430
- Bump phpro/grumphp from 1.14.0 to 1.15.0 by @dependabot in #431
- Issue #433 - Codeception configuration by @Sweetchuck in #434
- Increase test coverage for Resolvers\PatchesFile by @fredden in #381
- Bump composer/composer from 2.5.1 to 2.5.2 by @dependabot in #448
- How to store links to issues in patch description by @MurzNN in #419
- 2.x WIP (don't merge yet) by @cweagans in #447
- Add funding.yml by @cweagans in #449
- Add test coverage for command provider by @cweagans in #450
- Add project-specific depth settings by @cweagans in #452
- Run all patchers in verbose mode by @cweagans in #454
- Add --dry-run to patchers by @cweagans in #455
- GitHub configuration updates by @cweagans in #456
- Add docs feedback template by @cweagans in #457
- Tweak template by @cweagans in #458
- Placeholder docs by @cweagans in #459
- Add some docs by @cweagans in #460
- Docs 3 by @cweagans in #461
- DRY up debug output by @cweagans in #462
- Add doctor command by @cweagans in #463
- fix status output by @cweagans in #464
- Docs 4 by @cweagans in #465
- more docs by @cweagans in #466
- fix title by @cweagans in #467
- Upgrade composer configurable plugin by @cweagans in #468
- Add composer and io to all events + emit event before throwing exception when patch does not apply by @cweagans in #470
- Bump composer/composer from 2.5.2 to 2.5.3 by @dependabot in #473
- Couple of small cleanups by @cweagans in #476
- Only have git patchers and freeform patcher? by @cweagans in #472
- Add new patcher: git 'init' patcher by @cweagans in #471
- Fix typo on docs homepage by @anotherjames in #481
- Bump composer/composer from 2.5.3 to 2.5.4 by @dependabot in #483
- Issue #486 - Fix syntax errors and indentations in JSON examples by @Sweetchuck in #487
- Bump squizlabs/php_codesniffer from 3.7.1 to 3.7.2 by @dependabot in #488
- Rename patches.lock to patches.lock.json by @cweagans in #492
- Misc updates by @cweagans in #494
- Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3 by @dependabot in #497
- Deduplicate patch collection as patches are added by @cweagans in #496
- Handle $COMPOSER environment variable by @cweagans in #493
- Bump composer/composer from 2.5.4 to 2.5.5 by @dependabot in #501
- Bump guzzlehttp/psr7 from 2.4.3 to 2.5.0 by @dependabot in #508
- Fix typo by @pepijnolivier in #504
- Bump phpro/grumphp from 1.15.0 to 1.16.0 by @dependabot in #509
- Bump composer/composer from 2.5.5 to 2.5.7 by @dependabot in #513
- Bump composer/composer from 2.5.7 to 2.5.8 by @dependabot in #515
New Contributors
- @TomasVotruba made their first contribution in #87
- @erik-seifert made their first contribution in #96
- @iamEAP made their first contribution in #97
- @Leksat made their first contribution in #46
- @grasmash made their first contribution in #92
- @DevinCarlson made their first contribution in #103
- @echernyavskiy made their first contribution in #94
- @david-garcia-garcia made their first contribution in #104
- @daften made their first contribution in #108
- @navarr made their first contribution in #136
- @QuingKhaos made their first contribution in #151
- @mmenozzi made their first contribution in #153
- @kdebisschop made their first contribution in #166
- @drupol made their first contribution in #248
- @ElijahLynn made their first contribution in #264
- @geerlingguy made their first contribution in #304
- @Ayesh made their first contribution in #309
- @kdambekalns made their first contribution in #328
- @afilina made their first contribution in #379
- @pesc made their first contribution in #334
- @shyim made their first contribution in #409
- @skyred made their first contribution in #440
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #438
- @Sweetchuck made their first contribution in #434
- @MurzNN made their first contribution in #419
- @anotherjames made their first contribution in #481
- @pepijnolivier made their first contribution in #504
Full Changelog: 1.6.0...2.0.0-beta1