github cms-sw/cmssw CMSSW_8_0_9

latest releases: CMSSW_15_0_X_2024-12-19-1600, CMSSW_14_0_19_patch2, CMSSW_14_0_X_2024-12-19-1100...
8 years ago

Changes since CMSSW_8_0_8_patch2:


  • #14677 from @slava77: cleanup RawToDigi redefinition of already loaded from RawToDigi_cff (bp of #14675) operations
  • #14662 from @VinInn: fix crash in case Limit on the number of clusters is really exceeded. reconstruction
  • #14658 from @ggovi: Fix for handling copy of offline synchronized tags db
  • #14650 from @cms-l1t-offline: Restore overflow check for et and ht sums l1
  • #14647 from @cms-l1t-offline: Adding L1REPACK:FullMC workflow to run on RAW of MC (80x) operations
  • #14646 from @cms-l1t-offline: MCprod l1t Tau Iso Option-21 80x l1
  • #14617 from @cms-l1t-offline: Clean-up L1T unpacker warnings l1
  • #14613 from @cms-l1t-offline: Update OMTF treatment of Muons at edge of OMTF acceptance l1
  • #14602 from @ndaci: Add a cut in the HLTPFJetIDProducer module. hlt
  • #14600 from @CTPPS: CTPPS: new CondFormats related to TOTEM RP raw data and digi - backport of #13838 alca db
  • #14596 from @smuzaffar: Fix for runtestTqafTopEventSelection unit test: use againstElectronVLooseMVA6 instead of againstElectronVLooseMVA5 analysis reconstruction
  • #14588 from @duanders: Use PFMETCollection in scouting PF producer hlt
  • #14587 from @duanders: Fix deltaR calculation in HLT widejet module hlt
  • #14583 from @ggovi: Fix for GTEntry_t hash function db
  • #14580 from @CTPPS: CTPPS: new DataFormats for local TOTEM RP reconstruction, backport of #14134 reconstruction
  • #14579 from @CTPPS: CTPPS: new DataFormats related to TOTEM RP raw data and digi - backport of PR #13837 reconstruction simulation
  • #14578 from @CTPPS: Adding new detectors - integration of RomanPot detectors for CTPPS project - backport of PR #13766 simulation
  • #14570 from @cms-l1t-offline: Update L1T to l1t-tsg-v7-cand performance (80x) dqm l1
  • #14568 from @idebruyn: TH1ClusterCharge and TH1ClusterStoNCorr plots per ring dqm
  • #14567 from @dmitrijus: Disable broken Ewk*DQM modules dqm
  • #14566 from @OlivierBondu: Update generators
  • #14551 from @cms-l1t-offline: L1 repack 2016 2015 (Full, uGT, Full2015Data) cmssw808 l1 operations
  • #14531 from @fioriNTU: retune max value for Chi2 dqm
  • #14530 from @rmanzoni: [RecoTauTag] allow complete relax of tau isolation at high pt reconstruction
  • #14528 from @smorovic: Adding merging type (DAQ) and changing defaults daq dqm hlt reconstruction
  • #14512 from @usarica: Muon analysis updates 8.0.x alca analysis
  • #14501 from @bartosik-hep: 80X: HLT path/module-name updates in the HLTObjectMonitor dqm
  • #14477 from @fwyzard: L1TGlobalProducer: migrate to stream module (80x) l1
  • #14467 from @VinInn: fix det search tollerances for Cosmics reconstruction
  • #14462 from @kpedro88: Monitor CASTOR table data (80X) alca reconstruction simulation
  • #14445 from @cms-tsg-storm: HLT development in May (80X) alca dqm hlt
  • #14437 from @ggovi: Changes for O2O deployment and monitoring db
  • #14421 from @diguida: Fixes for RunInfo O2O and cleanup of PopCon interface (80X) alca db
  • #14336 from @Martin-Grunewald: Prescale access for stage-2 environment (80X) analysis dqm hlt l1 reconstruction
  • #14265 from @mmusich: DropBox metadata - 2016 (80X) alca db
  • #13972 from @fioriNTU: improve TkMaps dqm
  • #13813 from @vkhristenko: Online HCAL DQM adding a 3rd application dqm

CMSDIST Changes between Tags REL/CMSSW_8_0_8_patch2/slc6_amd64_gcc530 and REL/CMSSW_8_0_9/slc6_amd64_gcc530:


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