github cms-sw/cmssw CMSSW_7_0_2

latest releases: CMSSW_15_0_0, CMSSW_15_0_X_2025-02-26-2300, CMSSW_15_0_GPU_X_2025-02-26-2300...
10 years ago

Changes since CMSSW_7_0_1:

  • #3036 from @fwyzard: Tracer: optionally add timestamps to each message core
  • #3018 from @perrotta: HLT -- Allow the same HLT configs as in 710pre4 hlt
  • #2988 from @diguida: AlCa -- New design, Run1 and Run2 simulation, Run1 data, and HLT GTs in autoCond. alca
  • #2888 from @folguera: DQM -- Fix OverFlow bin in muon isolation histos dqm
  • #3069 from @mdhildreth: 70 x premixing si strip noise fix simulation
  • #3000 from @franzoni: cmsDriver handles pre-mixed input to datamixer operations
  • #2746 from @perrotta: Reco speedup -- Strip clusters back to 70X alca core db dqm reconstruction
  • #2728 from @perrotta: HLT request -- Seeding layers for70 x alca fastsim geometry hlt reconstruction simulation
  • #2410 from @mtosi: Reco -- Parametrized magnetic field availability in tracking modules operations reconstruction

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