github cms-sw/cmssw CMSSW_11_2_0_pre8

latest releases: CMSSW_14_1_DEVEL_X_2024-07-04-2300, CMSSW_14_1_X_2024-07-05-1100, CMSSW_14_1_X_2024-07-04-2300...
3 years ago

Changes since CMSSW_11_2_0_pre7:


  • #31903 from @slomeo: Daughter/Mother Logic instead of SubtractionSolid For ME geometry

  • #31899 from @fabiocos: Temporarily remove from the matrix workflows for D72 and D73 pdmv upgrade

  • #31897 from @mandrenguyen: Add PbPb modifications to egamma sequences to Run 3 era analysis reconstruction

  • #31888 from @Dr15Jones: Remove obsolete MessageLogger configuration options core

  • #31885 from @ianna: [DD4hep] Re-introduce namespace in Ecal barrel geometry

  • #31883 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex25 Add a few sens.xml with expanded list of sensitive volumes geometry

  • #31882 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex26 Correct for preshower numbering scheme geometry

  • #31881 from @jeongeun: drop type specs in RecoHGCal reconstruction upgrade

  • #31879 from @ianna: [DD4hep] Update to master 21 10 2020 alca geometry simulation upgrade

  • #31876 from @bsunanda: Run4-hgx265 Update tests for ESGetToken and also for checking content in geometry geometry upgrade

  • #31875 from @fabiocos: Cleaning of PGeometricTimingDetExtra alca db geometry

  • #31874 from @Dr15Jones: Removed FwkJob category from MessageLogger config alca dqm l1 reconstruction

  • #31873 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca174 Utilize ESGetToken in most of the classes in the package HcalCalibAlgos alca

  • #31871 from @mmusich: fix stray Global Tags post GeometricDetExtra Migration dqm pdmv upgrade

  • #31868 from @fwyzard: Fix warning about "type qualifier on return type is meaningless" alca db

  • #31865 from @Dr15Jones: Updated MessageLogger tests to remove obsolete usages core

  • #31864 from @Dr15Jones: Removed unused fwkJobReports from MessageLogger in L1Trigger* Subsystems l1

  • #31863 from @jshlee: GEM unpacker: bugfix and more cross checks db reconstruction simulation upgrade

  • #31862 from @Dr15Jones: Removed unused fwkJobReports from MessageLogger in Validation Subsystem dqm

  • #31861 from @Dr15Jones: Removed unused fwkJobReports from MessageLogger in SLHCUpgradeSimulations Subsystem geometry upgrade

  • #31860 from @Dr15Jones: Removed unused fwkJobReports from MessageLogger in IOMC Subsystem core

  • #31859 from @Dr15Jones: Removed unused fwkJobReports from MessageLogger in HLTrigger Subsystem hlt

  • #31858 from @Dr15Jones: Removed unused fwkJobReports from MessageLogger in Geometry Subsystem geometry upgrade

  • #31857 from @Dr15Jones: Removed unused fwkJobReports from MessageLogger in GeneratorInterface Subsystem generators

  • #31856 from @Dr15Jones: Removed unused fwkJobReports from MessageLogger in EventFilter Subsystem l1

  • #31855 from @Dr15Jones: Removed unused fwkJobReports from MessageLogger from DQMServices Subsystem dqm

  • #31853 from @Dr15Jones: Removed unused fwkJobReports from MessageLogger in Calibration Subsystem alca

  • #31852 from @Dr15Jones: Removed unused fwkJobReports from MessageLogger in Alignment Subsystem alca

  • #31850 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca173 Use ESGetToken and LogVerbatim alca

  • #31849 from @bsunanda: Phase2-gex26 Step toward transition to dd4hep for Phase2 scenarios geometry

  • #31848 from @silviodonato: [DataFormats/L1TMuon] Fix version in iorules of l1t::RegionalMuonCand l1

  • #31846 from @christopheralanwest: Introduce scenario for 2016 cosmics with realistic conditions alca

  • #31845 from @christopheralanwest: Update HCAL channel quality for Run 3 alca

  • #31844 from @slava77: remove hgcal local reco from reconstruction_trackingOnlyTask for trackingPhase2PU140 operations

  • #31842 from @bsunanda: Phase2-gex25 Add a new scenario 2026D74 with V14 HGCal and GE0 geometry operations pdmv upgrade

  • #31841 from @Dr15Jones: Added PSetTemplate to allow description of a PSet core

  • #31839 from @slomeo: Fixed Non Planar Trapezoids geometry

  • #31838 from @bsunanda: Run3-gem55 Add analyzer to dump content of Muon SimHits simulation

  • #31836 from @makortel: Complete EventSetup-consumes migration for {Ecal,Hcal}HaloDataProducer reconstruction

  • #31835 from @makortel: Complete EventSetup-consumes migration for HBHEIsolatedNoiseReflagger reconstruction

  • #31834 from @makortel: Migrate some Muon helper classes and EDProducers to EventSetup consumes reconstruction

  • #31833 from @makortel: Add EventSetup-consumes-migrated code path to TrackTransformer, use it in some Muon code dqm reconstruction

  • #31832 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex24 Try to sort out the issue of SimHit for muons using dd4hep alca db geometry simulation upgrade

  • #31831 from @nurfikri89: Add maximum of pileup pT hats in JME custom NanoAOD analysis xpog

  • #31830 from @guitargeek: Clean more BuildFiles in some subsystems db dqm geometry

  • #31829 from @tanmaymudholkar: ES DQM: Enable concurrent processing of lumisections dqm

  • #31827 from @mmusich: Strip Gain Calibration PCL: split monitoring of TEC (in thick and thin sensors) alca

  • #31820 from @mmusich: [SLHCUpgradeSimulations/Geometry] update and use it for unit tests geometry upgrade

  • #31818 from @seungjin-yang: Update GEM offline DQM sequences dqm

  • #31815 from @Dr15Jones: Added LogFwk* logging levels to be used by the framework analysis core geometry upgrade

  • #31814 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex22 Update the 2 Reco configuration files for dd4hep geometry upgrade

  • #31813 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex21 Correct ECAL numbering schemes to work for dd4hep geometry

  • #31812 from @bsunanda: Run3-hcx266 Add tools to test transition to dd4hep simulation

  • #31811 from @vargasa: SimG4CMS/Tracker: Revert "Additional logs for Validation purposes" simulation

  • #31809 from @namapane: MF standard sequences cleanup dqm operations simulation

  • #31808 from @namapane: Update DT vdrift calibration code to allow using "new" DB format alca

  • #31806 from @wddgit: Don't hardcode the global tag in the unit test alca db

  • #31804 from @ianna: [DD] remove unused headers geometry

  • #31803 from @apsallid: [HGCAL] Updating RelVal campaign scripts dqm

  • #31802 from @makortel: Migrate TrackDetectorAssociator to EventSetup consumes alca analysis reconstruction

  • #31801 from @makortel: Migrate rest of CSCTFTrackProducer to EventSetup consumes l1

  • #31800 from @CTPPS: Bug fix hector simulation

  • #31799 from @makortel: Add ConfigurationDescriptions and ParameterSetDescription to framework forward declarations core

  • #31796 from @tvami: Changes in Pixel 2D template making code cfg for Phase-2 + adding a unit test db

  • #31794 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex20 Take care of dd4hep flag to initiate GEM geometry in RECO+dd4hep context geometry upgrade

  • #31793 from @ianna: [Geometry] remove unused headers geometry

  • #31792 from @Dr15Jones: Removed use of boost::any in edmNew::DetSetVector core

  • #31791 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex19 Make the ECAL numbering scheme compatible between DDD and DD4Hep geometry

  • #31790 from @jfernan2: Removed unused DQM headers dqm

  • #31789 from @perrotta: Some clean up on reco muon classes reconstruction

  • #31788 from @mmusich: move from MagneticField_AutoFromDBCurrent_cff to MagneticField in all Tracker-related configurations alca analysis db dqm reconstruction

  • #31787 from @ghugo83: DD4hep workflow: Fix issue at step 2 geometry

  • #31786 from @andrzejnovak: fix: adjust jme_nano cff for changes in #31618 analysis xpog

  • #31785 from @mmusich: Tracking Validation: fix some more warnings (Tracking/TrackBHadron) dqm

  • #31784 from @jeongeun: drop type specs in RecoVertex RecoPixelVertexing reconstruction

  • #31781 from @perrotta: Clean up a few dead assignments from CalibCalorimetry/HcalAlgos and RecoMuon/TrackingTools alca reconstruction

  • #31780 from @christopheralanwest: Remove obsolete records alca

  • #31779 from @makortel: Migrate rest of {Cosmic,GlobalCosmic,Global,L2,L3,Standalone}MuonProduer to EventSetup consumes hlt reconstruction

  • #31778 from @makortel: Migrate rest of {HBHEPhase1,HcalHit,HcalSimple}Reconstructor to EventSetup consumes alca reconstruction

  • #31777 from @Dr15Jones: Fix code-checks errors in FWCore and DataFormats/Common core

  • #31776 from @jshlee: GEM - fed data size bugfix [EventFilter/GEMRawToDigi] reconstruction

  • #31775 from @Dr15Jones: EventSetupRecord::doGet uses prefetching core

  • #31774 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx264x Correct a small issue in HGCalGeometry and update some test codes geometry upgrade

  • #31772 from @jalimena: fix for displaced susy relval production (TRK and EXO validation of displaced tracks) generators pdmv upgrade

  • #31771 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx264 Try to resolve the issue of Rmax for the HE section of HGCal geometry upgrade

  • #31769 from @gsorrentino18: New ETL Geometry Validation dqm

  • #31767 from @bsunanda: Run4-hgx264 Changes in view of changed scenario numbering [Validation/HGCalValidation/test] dqm

  • #31764 from @makortel: Migrate rest of SiStripMonitorDigi to EventSetup consumes dqm

  • #31763 from @makortel: Complete EventSetup migration for bunch of L1 modules dqm l1

  • #31762 from @makortel: Migrate rest of MuonIdProducer to EventSetup consumes reconstruction

  • #31758 from @CTPPS: PPS: theta*_x and theta*_y histograms in DQM dqm

  • #31756 from @mmusich: migrate Strip Hit Efficiency HitEff class to use esconsumes alca

  • #31755 from @bsunanda: Run4-hgx263 Take care of Static Analyzer Issues geometry upgrade

  • #31752 from @davidlange6: TrackingMaterialProducer fix in volume accounting simulation

  • #31751 from @hatakeyamak: PF validation script update for 11_2 (and some directory cleanup) dqm

  • #31750 from @Dr15Jones: Removed Framework depencency from L1MuBMTrack l1

  • #31749 from @Dr15Jones: Moved ClusterRemovalRefSetter to TrackingTools/PatternTools reconstruction

  • #31748 from @jeongeun: drop type specs in RecoTauTag hlt reconstruction

  • #31747 from @ianna: [DD4hep] Replace TBB Containers with std Ones geometry

  • #31742 from @mandrenguyen: Change input jet collection for b2g validation in HI wfs dqm

  • #31738 from @slava77: static const -> const for thread safety in DeepMETProducer::produce variable reconstruction

  • #31737 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex18 Fix a part of DDEcalBarrelNewAlgo to add the missing volumes in dd4hep geometry

  • #31736 from @Dr15Jones: Removed vdt dependency on DataFormats/ParticleFlowReco reconstruction

  • #31734 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex17 Remove CASTOR geometry from Run3 scenario geometry upgrade

  • #31732 from @Dr15Jones: Removed unnecessary dependency on sigc++ alca db generators hlt simulation

  • #31730 from @apsallid: [HGCAL] CLUE and regional factors reconstruction upgrade

  • #31729 from @vargasa: GeometricDetExtra, PGeometricDetExtra schema removal alca db geometry upgrade

  • #31727 from @mandrenguyen: Require highPurity for isolated tracks in heavy-ion workflows analysis reconstruction

  • #31725 from @ats2008: Fix initialisation of maxChi2 data member in PVClusterComparer reconstruction

  • #31724 from @perrotta: Avoid a dead assignment in geometry

  • #31718 from @bsunanda: Run3-gex16 Correct numbering scheme for ECAL geometry simulation

  • #31715 from @kpedro88: Update SonicTriton client to Triton version 2.3 heterogeneous

  • #31713 from @mmusich: Introduce TrackingEffFromHitPatternClientConfigZeroBias and use it for the trackingZeroBias DQM Harvesting sequence dqm

  • #31712 from @namapane: fix DDFilteredView::parameters() crashing with a pseudotrapezoid geometry reconstruction

  • #31711 from @ianna: [DD4hep] Introduce FilteredView nextChild geometry

  • #31710 from @fabiocos: MTD geometry: add scenarios D72 (ETL v4) and D73 (ETL v5), remove D53 geometry operations pdmv upgrade

  • #31709 from @civanch: Added low energy positron parameterisation simulation

  • #31708 from @kpedro88: update HGCal unit test for new geometry dqm geometry

  • #31707 from @fwyzard: Cleanup the inclusion of CUDAService and other central services operations

  • #31706 from @fwyzard: Fix compilation warning about usage of "const" on return value simulation

  • #31705 from @mkirsano: remove inexistent pythia8 parameter from config generators

  • #31704 from @cms-patatrack: Patatrack integration - calorimeters shared code (6/N) heterogeneous reconstruction

  • #31703 from @cms-patatrack: Patatrack integration - common data formats (5/N) heterogeneous

  • #31701 from @Dr15Jones: Avoid calling the wrong constructor for EDGetTokenT core

  • #31700 from @guitargeek: Adapt EgammaHadTower and ElectronHcalHelper classes to use ESGetToken hlt reconstruction upgrade

  • #31698 from @mandrenguyen: Sub-event aware genJet and parton matching for HI miniAOD analysis operations pdmv reconstruction upgrade

  • #31696 from @gouskos: Add ntracks associated to each SV analysis xpog

  • #31695 from @ebrondol: Fix HGCalValidation for different Tracksers collections dqm

  • #31694 from @mmusich: [TkAl] Update PV Validation and PV Resolution per-run submission tools alca

  • #31693 from @mmusich: fix MF regression test in the Py3 case reconstruction

  • #31692 from @jalimena: update of "DisplacedSUSY" relvals for TRK and EXO validation of displaced tracks, for Run 3 and Phase 2 generators pdmv upgrade

  • #31691 from @ianna: [DD4hep] Filtered View is not a Shape geometry

  • #31690 from @ianna: [DD4hep] Filtered View Performance - Step 4 geometry

  • #31689 from @tanmaymudholkar: Fix to allow concurrent processing of lumisections with ECAL DQM dqm

  • #31686 from @bsunanda: Run3-alca172 Add PU correction method for isotrack calibration alca

  • #31685 from @guitargeek: Clean more BuildFiles in DataFormats dqm geometry l1 upgrade

  • #31683 from @slomeo: SubtractionSolid Vs UnionSolid For Muon Barrel geometry upgrade

  • #31681 from @hatakeyamak: Update NHitCuts_byTrackAlgo for hgcalTrack reconstruction upgrade

  • #31677 from @ghugo83: Fix handling of XML paths (SpecPar) by DD4hep FilteredView geometry

  • #31675 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hcx265 Address the warnings reported in #31672 geometry

  • #31674 from @mandrenguyen: Use akCs4PFJets for candidate-based tagInfos for HI workflows analysis dqm reconstruction

  • #31673 from @kpedro88: Removal of phase2 Tracker geometries T17, T19, T20 and migrations alca geometry operations pdmv upgrade

  • #31671 from @cms-tsg-storm: Migration of HLT menus to CMSSW_11_2_0_pre7 hlt

  • #31668 from @mandrenguyen: Bad PF candidate filter for 2018 PbPb data analysis operations pdmv reconstruction upgrade

  • #31667 from @ggovi: Logging service for Condition Workflows alca db

  • #31666 from @sroychow: Phase2 IT RechHit DQM and Validation modules dqm upgrade

  • #31665 from @civanch: Added extar parameters for Geant4 tracking in field simulation

  • #31663 from @guitargeek: Clean BuildFiles in DetectorDescription analysis geometry

  • #31662 from @ianna: [DD4hep] Filtered View Performance - Step 3 geometry upgrade

  • #31660 from @mandrenguyen: Legacy csvV2 calibrations for 2018 PbPb data analysis reconstruction

  • #31658 from @dan131riley: use standard libuuid functions, add binary uuid option analysis core

  • #31656 from @dildick: Partially fix CLCT position bias after CCLUT (CCLUT-8) dqm l1 simulation

  • #31655 from @fwyzard: Add a customisation to run the "GRun" HLT menu on Run 2 data/MC hlt

  • #31653 from @bsunanda: Phase2-hgx263 Try to resolve the orientation index issue for HGCal V13/V14 geometry upgrade

  • #31652 from @ianna: [DD4hep] Remove Spurious Include geometry

  • #31651 from @namapane: MF regression IB tests reconstruction

  • #31649 from @namapane: Remove dependency from DDCMS/interface/DDShapes.h reconstruction

  • #31646 from @stahlleiton: Bugfix for PackedCandidateMuonSelectorProducer (HI re-miniAOD) analysis reconstruction

  • #31645 from @christopheralanwest: Update 2018 heavy ion data and MC GTs for HI re-miniAOD alca

  • #31643 from @mmusich: Fix issue with Strip CalibTree production and improve unit tests alca

  • #31642 from @makortel: Avoid dangling reference in edm::ConsumesCollectorWithTagESAdaptor core

  • #31641 from @ianna: [DD4hep] Filtered View Performance - Step 2 geometry

  • #31639 from @CTPPS: PPS: xangle-beta* distributions alca dqm

  • #31635 from @christopheralanwest: Update PPS tags in Run 2 offline GTs for re-miniAOD alca

  • #31630 from @ianna: [DD4hep] Filtered View Performance Step 1 geometry

  • #31627 from @davidlange6: move std dictionaries to DataFormats/StdDictionaries alca core db

  • #31626 from @CTPPS: PPS: removal of obsolete alignment data alca

  • #31622 from @carolinecollard: Decoupling charge reweighting from SiPixelDigitizerAlgorithm simulation

  • #31618 from @andrzejnovak: feat: switch to DDXv2 as baseline analysis reconstruction xpog

  • #31616 from @kpedro88: SonicTriton tests with Singularity heterogeneous

  • #31609 from @mmusich: Migrate dqmEnvSiPixelQuality from DQMEventInfo to DQMHarvestingMetadata alca dqm

  • #31608 from @cms-l1t-offline: Pr 112 x Displaced muon in BMTF and uGMT ( unpacker/emulator/packer) dqm l1

  • #31602 from @denerslemos: Include the HF filters used in heavy ions using struct in the MiniAOD content analysis reconstruction

  • #31591 from @kdlong: Nano gen dqm analysis dqm generators pdmv upgrade xpog

  • #31586 from @mmusich: [Tk Alignment] Fix validation macro when reading luminosity from external file alca

  • #31582 from @cms-tau-pog: Protect against ill-defined track momenta and reffited tau vertices for tauReco@mini reconstruction

  • #31581 from @ianna: [DD4hep] Remove Shape Wrapper Classes geometry

  • #31573 from @ghugo83: DD4hep: Introduces functional Tracker navigation + DetIds building db geometry reconstruction simulation upgrade

  • #31541 from @bsunanda: Phase2-gex13 Add a scenario where ME0 is replaced by GE0 geometry operations pdmv upgrade

  • #31495 from @swertz: nanoAOD: fix electron IP sign analysis reconstruction xpog

  • #31470 from @cms-tau-pog: Add anti-electron tauID for phase2 analysis reconstruction upgrade

  • #31378 from @guitargeek: Move PhysicsTools/PatAlgos/plugins/BaseMVAValueMapProducer.h to interface/ analysis reconstruction xpog

  • #31314 from @JanFSchulte: Integrating VectorHits reconstruction for the Phase2 OT - reprise geometry operations pdmv reconstruction simulation upgrade

  • #31309 from @watson-ij: Initial Changes for Incoporating GEM GE0 into the Reco Pipeline dqm l1 operations reconstruction simulation upgrade

  • #30898 from @mandrenguyen: Switch to heavy-ion jets in HI miniAOD analysis reconstruction

CMSDIST Changes between Tags REL/CMSSW_11_2_0_pre7/slc7_amd64_gcc820 and REL/CMSSW_11_2_0_pre8/slc7_amd64_gcc820:


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