📣 New Notification Services:
- Apprise API Support added. (#459)
- This is an alternative to the
allowing you to still signal an Apprise API server to trigger notifications you have stored their
- This is an alternative to the
💡 Features
- More secure logging; reducing the possibility of personal information from being visible in log files. (#453)
- Supplementary URL Support on Pushover calls; (#468 and #477)
- just include
as part of the Apprise URL
- just include
- Telegram now supports the ability to set a
mode or disable web pagepreviews
. (#466)- just include
as part of the Apprise URL
- just include
- Support Matrix Notice Types (#460)
- just include
as part of the Apprise URL to switch the type over
- just include
- New CLI switch
) which prints a nice detailed list of what plugins are currently loaded based on the OS environment. It also prints details of what is required to make non working plugins active. Here is an example of the output (as it is now) on the CLI:
❤️ Life-Cycle Support
- SleekXMPP support dropped from XMPP plugin
- Re-factored all unit tests to be more modular (1:1 with their respected plugin) (#483)
is no longer a package requirement of Apprise (#483)
🐛 Bugfixes
) now works without--title
specified (#471) - single alpha characters found in a hostname are considered valid (9b5815e)
- Discord includes
in .url() calls - XMPP Plugin re-factored to work with
Installation Instructions
Apprise is available on PyPI through pip:
# Install Apprise v0.9.6 from PyPI
pip install apprise==0.9.6