github bitcoinknots/bitcoin v28.1.knots20250305
Bitcoin Knots v28.1.knots20250305

2 days ago

Bitcoin Knots version 28.1.knots20250305 is now available from:

This release includes new features, various bug fixes and performance
improvements, as well as updated translations.

Please report bugs using the issue tracker at GitHub:

To receive security and update notifications, please subscribe to:

How to Upgrade

If you are running an older version, shut it down. Wait until it has completely
shut down (which might take a few minutes in some cases), then run the
installer (on Windows) or just copy over /Applications/Bitcoin-Qt (on macOS)
or bitcoind/bitcoin-qt (on Linux).

Upgrading directly from very old versions of Bitcoin Core or Knots is possible,
but it might take some time if the data directory needs to be migrated. Old
wallet versions of Bitcoin Knots are generally supported.


Bitcoin Knots is supported on operating systems using the Linux kernel, macOS
11.0+, and Windows 7 and newer. It is not recommended to use Bitcoin Knots on
unsupported systems.

Known Bugs

In various locations, including the GUI's transaction details dialog and the
"vsize" result in many RPC results, transaction virtual sizes may not account
for an unusually high number of sigops (ie, as determined by the
-bytespersigop policy) or datacarrier penalties (ie, -datacarriercost).
This could result in reporting a lower virtual size than is actually used for
mempool or mining purposes.

Due to disruption of the shared Bitcoin Transifex repository, this release
still does not include updated translations, and Bitcoin Knots may be unable
to do so until/unless that is resolved.

Notable changes

P2P and Network Changes

  • Previously if Bitcoin Knots was listening for P2P connections, either using
    default settings or via bind=addr:port it would always also bind to to listen for Tor connections. It was not possible to switch
    this off, even if the node didn't use Tor. This has been changed and now
    bind=addr:port results in binding on addr:port only. The default behavior
    of binding to and has not been changed.

    If you are using a bind=... configuration without bind=...=onion and rely
    on the previous implied behavior to accept incoming Tor connections at, you need to now make this explicit by using
    bind=... bind= (bitcoin#22729)

  • When the -port configuration option is used, the default onion listening
    port will now be derived to be that port + 1 instead of being set to a fixed
    value (8334 on mainnet). This enables setups with multiple local nodes using
    different -port and not using -bind.

    Note that a HiddenServicePort manually configured in torrc may need
    adjustment if used in connection with the -port option. For example, if you
    are using -port=5555 with a non-standard value and not using
    -bind=...=onion, previously Bitcoin Knots would listen for incoming Tor
    connections on Now it would listen on
    (-port plus one). If you configured the hidden service manually in torrc
    now you have to change it from HiddenServicePort 8333 to
    HiddenServicePort 8333, or configure bitcoind with
    -bind= to get the previous behavior. (bitcoin#31223)

  • Bitcoin Knots will now fail to start up if any of its P2P binds fail, rather
    than the previous behaviour where it would only abort startup if all P2P
    binds had failed. (bitcoin#22729)

  • Support for Testnet4 as specified in BIP94
    has been added. The network can be selected with the -testnet4 option and
    the section header is also named [testnet4].
    While the intention is to phase out support for Testnet3 in an upcoming
    version, support for it is still available via the known options in this
    release. (bitcoin#29775)

  • UNIX domain sockets can now be used for proxy connections. Set -onion or
    -proxy to the local socket path with the prefix unix: (e.g.
    -onion=unix:/home/me/torsocket). (bitcoin#27375)

  • Transactions having a feerate that is too low will be opportunistically
    paired with their child transactions and submitted as a package, thus
    enabling the node to download 1-parent-1-child packages using the existing
    transaction relay protocol. Combined with other mempool policies, this change
    allows limited "package relay" when a parent transaction is below the mempool
    minimum feerate. Warning: this P2P feature is limited (unlike the
    submitpackage interface, a child with multiple unconfirmed parents is not
    supported) and not reliable. (bitcoin#28970)

Mempool Policy Changes

  • Topologically Restricted Until Confirmation (TRUC) parents are now allowed
    to be below the minimum relay feerate (i.e., pay 0 fees).

  • Pay To Anchor (P2A) is a new standard witness output type for spending,
    a newly recognised output template. This allows for key-less anchor
    outputs, with compact spending conditions for additional efficiencies on
    top of an equivalent sh(OP_TRUE) output, in addition to the txid stability
    of the spending transaction.
    N.B. propagation of this output spending on the network will be limited
    until a sufficient number of nodes on the network adopt this upgrade.

  • Limited package RBF is now enabled, where the proposed conflicting package
    would result in a connected component, aka cluster, of size 2 in the mempool.
    All clusters being conflicted against must be of size 2 or lower. (bitcoin#28984)

GUI Changes

  • Transactions no longer show as confirmed after a mere 6 blocks. Instead, the
    confirmation period has been extended to 16 blocks, which is a safer duration
    given the current problematic state of mining centralisation. Note that if
    you wish to be secure against China/Bitmain, you should consider transactions
    unconfirmed for a full week.

  • The "Migrate Wallet" menu allows users to migrate any legacy wallet in their
    wallet directory, regardless of the wallets loaded. (gui#824)

  • A very basic block visualizer has been added to the Window menu. You can use
    it to see a graphic for any block at a glance, or block templates your node
    is generating for your miner.

Signed Messages

Bitcoin has the ability for the recipient of bitcoins to a given address to
sign messages, typically intended for use agreeing to terms. Due to confusion,
this feature has often been mis-used in an attempt to prove current ownership
of bitcoins or having sent a Bitcoin transaction. However, these message
signatures do not in fact reflect either ownership or who sent a transaction.
For this reason, message signing was not implemented for Segwit in hopes of a
better standard that never manifested. Nevertheless, being able to sign as the
recipient remains useful in some scenarios, so this version of Bitcoin Knots
extends it to support newer standards:

  • Verifying BIP 137, BIP 322, and Electrum signed messages is now supported.

  • When signing messages for a Segwit or Taproot address, a BIP 322 signature
    will be produced. (bitcoin#24058)

JSON-RPC 2.0 Support

The JSON-RPC server now recognizes JSON-RPC 2.0 requests and responds with
strict adherence to the specification.
See for details. (bitcoin#27101)

JSON-RPC clients may need to be updated to be compatible with the JSON-RPC
server. Please open an issue on GitHub if any compatibility issues are found.

Updated RPCs

  • The dumptxoutset RPC now returns the UTXO set dump in a new and improved
    format. Correspondingly, the loadtxoutset RPC now expects this new format
    in the dumps it tries to load. Dumps with the old format are no longer
    supported and need to be recreated using the new format to be usable.

  • The "warnings" field in getblockchaininfo, getmininginfo and
    getnetworkinfo now returns all the active node warnings as an array
    of strings, instead of a single warning. The current behaviour
    can be temporarily restored by running Bitcoin Knots with the configuration
    option -deprecatedrpc=warnings. (bitcoin#29845)

  • Previously when using the sendrawtransaction RPC and specifying outputs
    that are already in the UTXO set, an RPC error code of -27 with the
    message "Transaction already in block chain" was returned in response.
    The error message has been changed to "Transaction outputs already in utxo
    set" to more accurately describe the source of the issue. (bitcoin#30212)

  • The default mode for the estimatesmartfee RPC has been updated from
    conservative to economical, which is expected to reduce over-estimation
    for many users, particularly if Replace-by-Fee is an option. For users that
    require high confidence in their fee estimates at the cost of potentially
    over-estimating, the conservative mode remains available. (bitcoin#30275)

  • RPC submitpackage now allows 2 new arguments to be passed: maxfeerate and
    maxburnamount. See the submitpackage help for details. (bitcoin#28950)

  • The status action of the scanblocks RPC now returns an additional array
    "relevant_blocks" containing the matching block hashes found so far during
    a scan. (bitcoin#30713)

  • The utxoupdatepsbt method now accepts an optional third parameter,
    prevtxs, containing an array of previous transactions (in hex) spent in
    the PSBT being updated. The typical use-case would be when you have a too
    low-fee (perhaps presigned) or timelocked parent transaction where you want
    to sign the child transaction before broadcasting anything. (bitcoin#30886)

  • It is now possible to pass a named pipe (aka fifo) to the dumptxoutset RPC
    method. This could be used to transfer the UTXO set to another program, such
    as one which populates a database, without writing the entire UTXO set to
    disk first. (bitcoin#31560)

  • A new field "cpu_load" has been added to the getpeerinfo RPC output. It
    shows the CPU time (user + system) spent processing messages from the given
    peer and crafting messages for it expressed in per milles (‰) of the duration
    of the connection. The field is optional and will be omitted on platforms
    that do not support this or if still not measured. (bitcoin#31672)

  • The getblocktemplate method has been extended to accept new options to
    control template creation: blockreservedsigops, blockreservedsize, and
    blockreservedweight offset the maximum sigops/size/weight put into the
    returned block template, while still respecting the configured limits.

Changes to wallet-related RPCs can be found in the Wallet section below.

New RPCs

  • getdescriptoractivity can be used to find all spend/receive activity
    relevant to a given set of descriptors within a set of specified blocks. This
    call can be used with scanblocks to lessen the need for additional indexing
    programs. (bitcoin#30708)

  • loadtxoutset has been added, which allows loading a UTXO snapshot of the
    format generated by dumptxoutset. See the AssumeUTXO section below for more

Updated REST APIs

  • As with the default mode for the estimatesmartfee RPC, the
    /rest/fee/unset/<TARGET>.json endpoint has been updated to return estimates
    calculated according to the economical mode rather than conservative.


  • The wallet now detects when wallet transactions conflict with the mempool.
    Mempool-conflicting transactions can be seen in the "mempoolconflicts"
    field of gettransaction. The inputs of mempool-conflicted transactions can
    now be respent without manually abandoning the transactions when the parent
    transaction is dropped from the mempool, which can cause wallet balances to
    appear higher. (bitcoin#27307)

  • A new max_tx_weight option has been added to the RPCs fundrawtransaction,
    walletcreatefundedpsbt, and send. It specifies the maximum transaction
    weight. If the limit is exceeded during funding, the transaction will not be
    built. The default value is 4,000,000 WU. (bitcoin#29523)

  • A new createwalletdescriptor RPC allows users to add new automatically
    generated descriptors to their wallet. This can be used to upgrade wallets
    created prior to the introduction of a new standard descriptor, such as
    taproot. (bitcoin#29130)

  • A new RPC gethdkeys lists all of the BIP32 HD keys in use by all of the
    descriptors in the wallet. These keys can be used in conjunction with
    createwalletdescriptor to create and add single key descriptors to the
    wallet for a particular key that the wallet already knows. (bitcoin#29130)

  • In RPC bumpfee, if a fee_rate is specified, the feerate is no longer
    restricted to following the wallet's incremental feerate of 5 sat/vb. The
    feerate must still be at least the sum of the original fee and the mempool's
    incremental feerate. (bitcoin#27969)

  • The getbalance RPC method will now throw an error if avoid_reuse is set
    together with dummy=*. (This combination was never supported, and the
    avoid_reuse parameter had previously been silently ignored.)


AssumeUTXO is a new experiemental feature that allows you to make a node usable
quicker, only waiting on the complete sync to provide security. This is done by
using the new loadtxoutset RPC method to load a trusted UTXO snapshot. Once
this snapshot is loaded, its contents will be deserialized into a second
chainstate data structure, which is then used to sync to the network's tip.

Meanwhile, the original chainstate will complete the initial block download
process in the background, eventually validating up to the block that the
snapshot is based upon.

The result is a usable node that is current with the network tip in a matter of
minutes rather than hours. However, until the full background sync completes,
the node and any wallets using it remain insecure and should not be trusted or
relied on for confirmation of payment. (bitcoin#27596)

You can find more information on this process in
the assumeutxo design document.

  • AssumeUTXO mainnet parameters have been added for height 840,000 and 880,000.
    This means the new loadtxoutset RPC can be used only on mainnet with the
    matching UTXO set from one of those heights. (bitcoin#28553, bitcoin#31969)

  • While the node remains in an incomplete AssumeUTXO state, transactions will
    correctly display as unconfirmed. Applicable RPC methods dealing with
    transactions will return an additional "confirmations_assumed" field until
    the background sync has completed. Note that block confirmation counts are
    not affected.

  • When using assumeutxo with -prune, the prune budget may be exceeded if it
    is set lower than 1100MB (i.e. MIN_DISK_SPACE_FOR_BLOCK_FILES * 2). Prune
    budget is normally split evenly across each chainstate, unless the resulting
    prune budget per chainstate is beneath MIN_DISK_SPACE_FOR_BLOCK_FILES in
    which case that value will be used. (bitcoin#27596)

CLI Tools

  • The bitcoin-cli -netinfo command output now includes information about your
    node's and peers' network services. (bitcoin#30930, bitcoin#31886)

Build System

  • GCC 11.1 or later, or Clang 16.0 or later, are now required to compile
    Bitcoin Knots. (bitcoin#29091, bitcoin#30263)

  • The minimum required glibc to run Bitcoin Knots is now 2.31. This means that
    RHEL 8 and Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic) are no-longer supported. (bitcoin#29987)

  • --enable-lcov-branch-coverage has been removed, given incompatibilities
    between lcov version 1 & 2. LCOV_OPTS should be used to set any options
    instead. (bitcoin#30192)

Updated Settings

  • When running with -alertnotify, an alert can now be raised multiple
    times instead of just once. Previously, it was only raised when unknown
    new consensus rules were activated. Its scope has now been increased to
    include all warnings. Specifically, alerts will now also be raised
    when an invalid chain with a large amount of work has been detected.
    Additional warnings may be added in the future. (bitcoin#30058)

Changes to GUI or wallet related settings can be found in the GUI or Wallet
section below.

New Settings

  • A pruneduringinit setting has been added to override the prune setting
    only during the initial blockchain sync. It can be useful to set this higher
    to optimise for sync performance at the cost of temporarily higher disk
    usage. (bitcoin#31845)

Software Expiration

Since v0.14.2.knots20170618, each new version of Bitcoin Knots by default
expires 1-2 years after its release. This is a security precaution to help
ensure nodes remain kept up to date. To avoid potential disruption during
holidays, beginning with this version, the expiry date has been moved later,
from January until November.

This is an optional feature. You may disable it by setting softwareexpiry=0
in your config file. You may also set softwareexpiry to any other POSIX
timestamp, to trigger an expiration at that time instead.

Low-level Changes


  • The default for the rpcthreads and rpcworkqueue settings have been
    increased. This may utilise slightly more system resources, but avoids
    issues with common workloads. (bitcoin#31215)


  • The BIP94 timewarp attack mitigation is now active on the regtest network.

  • A new -testdatadir option has been added to test_bitcoin to allow
    specifying the location of unit test data directories. (bitcoin#26564)


  • Block files are now XOR'd by default with a key stored in the blocksdir.
    Previous releases of Bitcoin Knots or previous external software will not be
    able to read the blocksdir with a non-zero XOR-key. Refer to the -blocksxor
    help for more details. (bitcoin#28052)


  • The chainstate database flushes that occur when blocks are pruned will no
    longer empty the database cache. The cache will remain populated longer,
    which significantly reduces the time for initial block download to complete.

Windows Data Directory

The default data directory on Windows has been moved from C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Bitcoin
to C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Bitcoin. Bitcoin Knots will check the
existence of the old directory first and continue to use that directory for
backwards compatibility if it is present. (bitcoin#27064)


  • The dependency on Boost.Process has been replaced with cpp-subprocess, which
    is contained in source. Builders will no longer need Boost.Process to build
    with external signer or Tor subprocess support. (bitcoin#28981) If you wish to build
    without support for running a dedicated Tor subprocess, you can use the new
    --disable-tor-subprocess configure flag.

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