github backstage/backstage release-2021-12-09

latest releases: v1.37.0-next.2, v1.37.0-next.1, v1.37.0-next.0...
3 years ago


Minor Changes

  • a036b65c2f: BREAKING CHANGE

    The app SignInPage component has been updated to switch out the onResult callback for a new onSignInSuccess callback. This is an immediate breaking change without any deprecation period, as it was deemed to be the way of making this change that had the lowest impact.

    The new onSignInSuccess callback directly accepts an implementation of an IdentityApi, rather than a SignInResult. The SignInPage from @backstage/core-component has been updated to fit this new API, and as long as you pass on props directly you should not see any breakage.

    However, if you implement your own custom SignInPage, then this will be a breaking change and you need to migrate over to using the new callback. While doing so you can take advantage of the UserIdentity.fromLegacy helper from @backstage/core-components to make the migration simpler by still using the SignInResult type. This helper is also deprecated though and is only provided for immediate migration. Long-term it will be necessary to build the IdentityApi using for example UserIdentity.create instead.

    The following is an example of how you can migrate existing usage immediately using UserIdentity.fromLegacy:

    // becomes

    The following is an example of how implement the new onSignInSuccess callback of the SignInPage using UserIdentity.create:

    const identityResponse = await authApi.getBackstageIdentity();
    // Profile is optional and will be removed, but allows the
    // synchronous getProfile method of the IdentityApi to be used.
    const profile = await authApi.getProfile();
        identity: identityResponse.identity,

Patch Changes

  • cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies to peerDependencies and allow both React v16 and v17 to be used.
  • dcd1a0c3f4: Minor improvement to the API reports, by not unpacking arguments directly
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-components@0.8.0
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0
    • @backstage/app-defaults@0.1.2
    • @backstage/version-bridge@0.1.1

## @backstage/core-components@0.8.0

Minor Changes

  • a036b65c2f: The SignInPage has been updated to use the new onSignInSuccess callback that was introduced in the same release. While existing code will usually continue to work, it is technically a breaking change because of the dependency on SignInProps from the @backstage/core-plugin-api. For more information on this change and instructions on how to migrate existing code, see the @backstage/core-app-api

    Added a new UserIdentity class which helps create implementations of the IdentityApi. It provides a couple of static factory methods such as the most relevant create, and createGuest to create an IdentityApi for a guest user.

    Also provides a deprecated fromLegacy method to create an IdentityApi from the now deprecated SignInResult. This method will be removed in the future when SignInResult is also removed.

Patch Changes

  • 9603827bb5: Addressed some peer dependency warnings
  • cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies to peerDependencies and allow both React v16 and v17 to be used.
  • dcd1a0c3f4: Minor improvement to the API reports, by not unpacking arguments directly
  • e839500286: Introduce new LogViewer component that can be used to display logs. It supports copying, searching, filtering, and displaying text with ANSI color escape codes.
  • 1357ac30f1: Standardize on classnames instead of both that and clsx.
  • e5976071ea: Use ellipsis style for overflowed text in sidebar menu
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0

## @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0

Minor Changes

  • a036b65c2f: The IdentityApi has received several updates. The getUserId, getProfile, and getIdToken have all been deprecated.

    The replacement for getUserId is the new getBackstageIdentity method, which provides both the userEntityRef as well as the ownershipEntityRefs that are used to resolve ownership. Existing usage of the user ID would typically be using a fixed entity kind and namespace, for example `user:default/${identityApi.getUserId()}`, this kind of usage should now instead use the userEntityRef directly.

    The replacement for getProfile is the new async getProfileInfo.

    The replacement for getIdToken is the new getCredentials method, which provides an optional token to the caller like before, but it is now wrapped in an object for forwards compatibility.

    The deprecated idToken field of the BackstageIdentity type has been removed, leaving only the new token field, which should be used instead. The BackstageIdentity also received a new identity field, which is a decoded version of the information within the token. Furthermore the BackstageIdentity has been renamed to BackstageIdentityResponse, with the old name being deprecated.

    We expect most of the breaking changes in this update to have low impact since the IdentityApi implementation is provided by the app, but it is likely that some tests need to be updated.

    Another breaking change is that the SignInPage props have been updated, and the SignInResult type is now deprecated. This is unlikely to have any impact on the usage of this package, but it is an important change that you can find more information about in the @backstage/core-app-api

Patch Changes

  • cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies to peerDependencies and allow both React v16 and v17 to be used.
  • dcd1a0c3f4: Minor improvement to the API reports, by not unpacking arguments directly
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/version-bridge@0.1.1

## @backstage/techdocs-common@0.11.0

Minor Changes

  • 1bada775a9: Added the ability for the TechDocs Backend to (optionally) leverage a cache
    store to improve performance when reading files from a cloud storage provider.

Patch Changes

  • dcd1a0c3f4: Minor improvement to the API reports, by not unpacking arguments directly
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.9.13

## @backstage/plugin-auth-backend@0.5.0

Minor Changes

  • a036b65c2f: BREAKING CHANGE The idToken field of BackstageIdentity has been removed, with the token taking its place. This means you may need to update existing signIn.resolver implementations to return an token rather than an idToken. This also applies to custom auth providers.

    The BackstageIdentity type has been deprecated and will be removed in the future. Taking its place is the new BackstageSignInResult type with the same shape.

    This change also introduces the new BackstageIdentityResponse that mirrors the type with the same name from @backstage/core-plugin-api. The BackstageIdentityResponse type is different from the BackstageSignInResult in that it also has a identity field which is of type BackstageUserIdentity and is a decoded version of the information within the token.

    When implementing a custom auth provider that is not based on the OAuthAdapter you may need to convert BackstageSignInResult into a BackstageIdentityResponse, this can be done using the new prepareBackstageIdentityResponse function.

Patch Changes

  • 8f461e6043: Fixes potential bug introduced in 0.4.10 which causes OAuth2AuthProvider to authenticate using credentials in both POST payload and headers.
    This might break some stricter OAuth2 implementations so there is now a includeBasicAuth config option that can manually be set to true to enable this behavior.
  • dcd1a0c3f4: Minor improvement to the API reports, by not unpacking arguments directly
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/test-utils@0.1.24
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.9.13

## @backstage/plugin-kubernetes@0.5.0

Minor Changes

  • c010632f88: Add pod metrics lookup and display in pod table.

    Backwards incompatible changes

    If your Kubernetes distribution does not have the metrics server installed,
    you will need to set the skipMetricsLookup config flag to false.

    See the configuration docs for more details.

Patch Changes

  • cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies to peerDependencies and allow both React v16 and v17 to be used.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-components@0.8.0
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0
    • @backstage/plugin-kubernetes-common@0.2.0
    • @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.6.5

## @backstage/plugin-kubernetes-backend@0.4.0

Minor Changes

  • c010632f88: Add pod metrics lookup and display in pod table.

    Backwards incompatible changes

    If your Kubernetes distribution does not have the metrics server installed,
    you will need to set the skipMetricsLookup config flag to false.

    See the configuration docs for more details.

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-kubernetes-common@0.2.0
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.9.13

## @backstage/plugin-kubernetes-common@0.2.0

Minor Changes

  • c010632f88: Add pod metrics lookup and display in pod table.

    Backwards incompatible changes

    If your Kubernetes distribution does not have the metrics server installed,
    you will need to set the skipMetricsLookup config flag to false.

    See the configuration docs for more details.

## @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend-module-rails@0.2.0

Minor Changes

  • 64db0efffe: update publish format from ESM to CJS

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend@0.15.16
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.9.13

## @backstage/plugin-techdocs-backend@0.12.0

Minor Changes

  • 1bada775a9: Added the ability for the TechDocs Backend to (optionally) leverage a cache
    store to improve performance when reading files from a cloud storage provider.

Patch Changes

  • dcd1a0c3f4: Minor improvement to the API reports, by not unpacking arguments directly
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/backend-common@0.9.13
    • @backstage/techdocs-common@0.11.0

## @backstage/app-defaults@0.1.2

Patch Changes

  • cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies to peerDependencies and allow both React v16 and v17 to be used.
  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-components@0.8.0
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0
    • @backstage/core-app-api@0.2.0

## @backstage/backend-common@0.9.13

Patch Changes

  • dcd1a0c3f4: Minor improvement to the API reports, by not unpacking arguments directly
  • 5a008576c4: Add possibility to use custom error handler
  • 98a9c35f0c: Add options argument to support additional database migrations configuration
  • 6298de32dd: Add knexConfig config section

## @backstage/cli@0.10.1

Patch Changes

  • 0ebb05eee2: Add cli option to minify the generated code of a plugin or backend package

    backstage-cli plugin:build --minify
    backstage-cli backend:build --minify
  • cd450844f6: Updated the frontend plugin template to put React dependencies in peerDependencies by default, as well as allowing both React v16 and v17. This change can be applied to existing plugins by running yarn backstage-cli plugin:diff within the plugin package directory.

## @backstage/codemods@0.1.25

Patch Changes

  • Updated dependencies
    • @backstage/core-components@0.8.0
    • @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0
    • @backstage/core-app-api@0.2.0

## @backstage/create-app@0.4.7

Patch Changes

  • 9603827bb5: Addressed some peer dependency warnings

  • 1bada775a9: TechDocs Backend may now (optionally) leverage a cache store to improve
    performance when reading content from a cloud storage provider.

    To apply this change to an existing app, pass the cache manager from the plugin
    environment to the createRouter function in your backend:

    // packages/backend/src/plugins/techdocs.ts

    export default async function createPlugin({

    • cache,
      }: PluginEnvironment): Promise {

    // ...

    return await createRouter({

    • cache,
      `` If yourPluginEnvironmentdoes not include a cache manager, be sure you've applied [the cache management change][cm-change] to your backend as well. [Additional configuration][td-rec-arch] is required if you wish to enable caching in TechDocs. [cm-change]: [td-rec-arch]: - 4862fbc64f: Bump @spotify/prettier-config - 36bb4fb2e9: Removed thescaffolder.github.visibilityconfiguration that is no longer used from the default app template. ## @backstage/dev-utils@0.2.14 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - dcd1a0c3f4: Minor improvement to the API reports, by not unpacking arguments directly - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 - @backstage/core-app-api@0.2.0 - @backstage/app-defaults@0.1.2 - @backstage/integration-react@0.1.15 - @backstage/test-utils@0.1.24 - @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.6.5 ## @backstage/integration-react@0.1.15 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 ## @techdocs/cli@0.8.8 ### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies - @backstage/backend-common@0.9.13 - @backstage/techdocs-common@0.11.0 ## @backstage/test-utils@0.1.24 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - dcd1a0c3f4: Minor improvement to the API reports, by not unpacking arguments directly - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 - @backstage/core-app-api@0.2.0 ## @backstage/version-bridge@0.1.1 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. ## @backstage/plugin-allure@0.1.8 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 - @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.6.5 ## @backstage/plugin-analytics-module-ga@0.1.4 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - dcd1a0c3f4: Minor improvement to the API reports, by not unpacking arguments directly - 704235786a: Support self hosted analytics.js script viascriptSrcconfig option - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 ## @backstage/plugin-api-docs@0.6.18 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 - @backstage/plugin-catalog@0.7.4 - @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.6.5 ## @backstage/plugin-azure-devops@0.1.6 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 - @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.6.5 - @backstage/plugin-azure-devops-common@0.1.2 ## @backstage/plugin-azure-devops-backend@0.2.4 ### Patch Changes - a77526afcd: Added getting builds by definition name - Updated dependencies - @backstage/backend-common@0.9.13 - @backstage/plugin-azure-devops-common@0.1.2 ## @backstage/plugin-azure-devops-common@0.1.2 ### Patch Changes - a77526afcd: Added getting builds by definition name ## @backstage/plugin-badges@0.2.16 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 - @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.6.5 ## @backstage/plugin-bazaar@0.1.6 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 - @backstage/plugin-catalog@0.7.4 - @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.6.5 - @backstage/cli@0.10.1 ## @backstage/plugin-bazaar-backend@0.1.4 ### Patch Changes - 210fcf63ee: Handle migration error when old data is present in the database - Updated dependencies - @backstage/backend-common@0.9.13 ## @backstage/plugin-bitrise@0.1.19 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 - @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.6.5 ## @backstage/plugin-catalog@0.7.4 ### Patch Changes - 9603827bb5: Addressed some peer dependency warnings - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 - @backstage/integration-react@0.1.15 - @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.6.5 ## @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend@0.19.1 ### Patch Changes - dcd1a0c3f4: Minor improvement to the API reports, by not unpacking arguments directly - 6bccc7d794: ThepagedRequestmethod in the GitLab ingestion client is now public for re-use and may be used to make other calls to the GitLab API. Developers can now pass in a type into the GitLabpaginatedandpagedRequestfunctions as generics instead of forcingany(defaults toanyto maintain compatibility). TheGitLabClientnow provides aisSelfManagedconvenience method. - 0e4daaa753: Reject catalog entities that have duplicate fields that vary only in casing. - 98a9c35f0c: Honor database migration configuration - Updated dependencies - @backstage/backend-common@0.9.13 ## @backstage/plugin-catalog-graph@0.2.3 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 - @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.6.5 ## @backstage/plugin-catalog-import@0.7.5 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 - @backstage/integration-react@0.1.15 - @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.6.5 ## @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.6.5 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - 69034b4419: Fix typo in catalog-react package.json - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 - @backstage/core-app-api@0.2.0 - @backstage/version-bridge@0.1.1 ## @backstage/plugin-circleci@0.2.31 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - 56d04330c4: Switch to usingLogViewercomponent from@backstage/core-componentsto display action output. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 - @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.6.5 ## @backstage/plugin-cloudbuild@0.2.29 ### Patch Changes - c77def982f: Remove unnecessary dependency. - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 - @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.6.5 ## @backstage/plugin-code-coverage@0.1.19 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 - @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.6.5 ## @backstage/plugin-config-schema@0.1.15 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - dcd1a0c3f4: Minor improvement to the API reports, by not unpacking arguments directly - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 ## @backstage/plugin-cost-insights@0.11.13 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 ## @backstage/plugin-explore@0.3.22 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 - @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.6.5 - @backstage/plugin-explore-react@0.0.8 ## @backstage/plugin-explore-react@0.0.8 ### Patch Changes - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 ## @backstage/plugin-firehydrant@0.1.9 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 - @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.6.5 ## @backstage/plugin-fossa@0.2.24 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 - @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.6.5 ## @backstage/plugin-gcp-projects@0.3.10 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 ## @backstage/plugin-git-release-manager@0.3.4 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 ## @backstage/plugin-github-actions@0.4.26 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - cbd20c46f1: Switch to usingLogViewercomponent from@backstage/core-componentsto display build logs. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 - @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.6.5 ## @backstage/plugin-github-deployments@0.1.22 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - dcd1a0c3f4: Minor improvement to the API reports, by not unpacking arguments directly - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 - @backstage/integration-react@0.1.15 - @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.6.5 ## @backstage/plugin-gitops-profiles@0.3.10 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 ## @backstage/plugin-graphiql@0.2.24 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 ## @backstage/plugin-home@0.4.7 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 ## @backstage/plugin-ilert@0.1.18 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 - @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.6.5 ## @backstage/plugin-jenkins@0.5.14 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 - @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.6.5 ## @backstage/plugin-kafka@0.2.22 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 - @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.6.5 ## @backstage/plugin-lighthouse@0.2.31 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 - @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.6.5 ## @backstage/plugin-newrelic@0.3.10 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 ## @backstage/plugin-org@0.3.30 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 - @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.6.5 ## @backstage/plugin-pagerduty@0.3.19 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - dcd1a0c3f4: Minor improvement to the API reports, by not unpacking arguments directly - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 - @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.6.5 ## @backstage/plugin-permission-backend@0.2.1 ### Patch Changes - a036b65c2f: Updated to use the newBackstageIdentityResponsetype from@backstage/plugin-auth-backend. TheBackstageIdentityResponsetype is backwards compatible with theBackstageIdentity, and provides an additionalidentityfield with the claims of the user. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/plugin-auth-backend@0.5.0 - @backstage/backend-common@0.9.13 - @backstage/plugin-permission-node@0.2.1 ## @backstage/plugin-permission-node@0.2.1 ### Patch Changes - dcd1a0c3f4: Minor improvement to the API reports, by not unpacking arguments directly - a036b65c2f: Updated to use the newBackstageIdentityResponsetype from@backstage/plugin-auth-backend. TheBackstageIdentityResponsetype is backwards compatible with theBackstageIdentity, and provides an additionalidentityfield with the claims of the user. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/plugin-auth-backend@0.5.0 ## @backstage/plugin-permission-react@0.1.1 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - dcd1a0c3f4: Minor improvement to the API reports, by not unpacking arguments directly - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 ## @backstage/plugin-rollbar@0.3.20 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 - @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.6.5 ## @backstage/plugin-scaffolder@0.11.14 ### Patch Changes - 6845cce533: Can specify allowedOwners to the RepoUrlPicker picker in a template definition - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - 2edcf7738f: Fix bug with setting owner in RepoUrlPicker causing validation failure - b291c3176e: Switch to usingLogViewercomponent from@backstage/core-componentsto display scaffolder logs. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 - @backstage/integration-react@0.1.15 - @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.6.5 ## @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend@0.15.16 ### Patch Changes - 2a3fb13718: Bump esbuild to ^0.14.1 - Updated dependencies - @backstage/backend-common@0.9.13 - @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend@0.19.1 ## @backstage/plugin-search@0.5.1 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - 382e3a94b3: Export SearchApi interface from plugin - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 - @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.6.5 ## @backstage/plugin-search-backend@0.2.8 ### Patch Changes - dcd1a0c3f4: Minor improvement to the API reports, by not unpacking arguments directly - Updated dependencies - @backstage/backend-common@0.9.13 ## @backstage/plugin-search-backend-module-elasticsearch@0.0.6 ### Patch Changes - dcd1a0c3f4: Minor improvement to the API reports, by not unpacking arguments directly ## @backstage/plugin-search-backend-module-pg@0.2.2 ### Patch Changes - dcd1a0c3f4: Minor improvement to the API reports, by not unpacking arguments directly - Updated dependencies - @backstage/backend-common@0.9.13 ## @backstage/plugin-sentry@0.3.30 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 - @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.6.5 ## @backstage/plugin-shortcuts@0.1.15 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 ## @backstage/plugin-sonarqube@0.2.9 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 - @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.6.5 ## @backstage/plugin-splunk-on-call@0.3.16 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 - @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.6.5 ## @backstage/plugin-tech-insights@0.1.1 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 - @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.6.5 ## @backstage/plugin-tech-radar@0.4.13 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 ## @backstage/plugin-techdocs@0.12.9 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - d90dad84b0: Switch to usingLogViewercomponent from@backstage/core-componentsto display build logs. - 3421826ca8: The problem of lowercase entity triplets which causes docs to not load on entity page is fixed. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 - @backstage/plugin-catalog@0.7.4 - @backstage/integration-react@0.1.15 - @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.6.5 - @backstage/plugin-search@0.5.1 ## @backstage/plugin-todo@0.1.16 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - dcd1a0c3f4: Minor improvement to the API reports, by not unpacking arguments directly - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 - @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.6.5 ## @backstage/plugin-todo-backend@0.1.15 ### Patch Changes - dcd1a0c3f4: Minor improvement to the API reports, by not unpacking arguments directly - Updated dependencies - @backstage/backend-common@0.9.13 ## @backstage/plugin-user-settings@0.3.13 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependenciesand allow both React v16 and v17 to be used. - Updated dependencies - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0 - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0 ## @backstage/plugin-xcmetrics@0.2.12 ### Patch Changes - cd450844f6: Moved React dependencies topeerDependencies` and allow both React v16 and v17 to be used.
      - 343ef34599: Handle a case where XCode data from backend (before 0.0.8) could be missing
      - Updated dependencies
      - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0
      - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0
      ## example-app@0.2.56
      ### Patch Changes
      - Updated dependencies
      - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0
      - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0
      - @backstage/plugin-cloudbuild@0.2.29
      - @backstage/plugin-catalog@0.7.4
      - @backstage/core-app-api@0.2.0
      - @backstage/plugin-scaffolder@0.11.14
      - @backstage/plugin-kubernetes@0.5.0
      - @backstage/app-defaults@0.1.2
      - @backstage/integration-react@0.1.15
      - @backstage/plugin-api-docs@0.6.18
      - @backstage/plugin-azure-devops@0.1.6
      - @backstage/plugin-badges@0.2.16
      - @backstage/plugin-catalog-graph@0.2.3
      - @backstage/plugin-catalog-import@0.7.5
      - @backstage/plugin-catalog-react@0.6.5
      - @backstage/plugin-circleci@0.2.31
      - @backstage/plugin-code-coverage@0.1.19
      - @backstage/plugin-cost-insights@0.11.13
      - @backstage/plugin-explore@0.3.22
      - @backstage/plugin-gcp-projects@0.3.10
      - @backstage/plugin-github-actions@0.4.26
      - @backstage/plugin-graphiql@0.2.24
      - @backstage/plugin-home@0.4.7
      - @backstage/plugin-jenkins@0.5.14
      - @backstage/plugin-kafka@0.2.22
      - @backstage/plugin-lighthouse@0.2.31
      - @backstage/plugin-newrelic@0.3.10
      - @backstage/plugin-org@0.3.30
      - @backstage/plugin-pagerduty@0.3.19
      - @backstage/plugin-rollbar@0.3.20
      - @backstage/plugin-search@0.5.1
      - @backstage/plugin-sentry@0.3.30
      - @backstage/plugin-shortcuts@0.1.15
      - @backstage/plugin-tech-insights@0.1.1
      - @backstage/plugin-tech-radar@0.4.13
      - @backstage/plugin-techdocs@0.12.9
      - @backstage/plugin-todo@0.1.16
      - @backstage/plugin-user-settings@0.3.13
      - @backstage/cli@0.10.1
      ## example-backend@0.2.56
      ### Patch Changes
      - Updated dependencies
      - @backstage/plugin-auth-backend@0.5.0
      - @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend@0.15.16
      - @backstage/plugin-kubernetes-backend@0.4.0
      - @backstage/backend-common@0.9.13
      - @backstage/plugin-catalog-backend@0.19.1
      - @backstage/plugin-search-backend@0.2.8
      - @backstage/plugin-search-backend-module-elasticsearch@0.0.6
      - @backstage/plugin-search-backend-module-pg@0.2.2
      - @backstage/plugin-techdocs-backend@0.12.0
      - @backstage/plugin-todo-backend@0.1.15
      - @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend-module-rails@0.2.0
      - @backstage/plugin-azure-devops-backend@0.2.4
      - example-app@0.2.56
      ## embedded-techdocs-app@0.2.56
      ### Patch Changes
      - Updated dependencies
      - @backstage/core-components@0.8.0
      - @backstage/core-plugin-api@0.3.0
      - @backstage/plugin-catalog@0.7.4
      - @backstage/core-app-api@0.2.0
      - @backstage/app-defaults@0.1.2
      - @backstage/integration-react@0.1.15
      - @backstage/test-utils@0.1.24
      - @backstage/plugin-techdocs@0.12.9
      - @backstage/cli@0.10.1

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